Dark Thoughts and Full Names

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(Dark Thoughts and Full Names)

Dru curled up in the middle of the bed, her heart was heavy and her head was a mess, even Arie was affected by the turmoil raving within her, it had been months since she'd last seen or heard from Jay, her heart was breaking, what had she done that was so bad he had to react like this, maybe the prophecy was coming true, he no longer loved her or needed her, maybe the reason he was in hiding was because he was plotting her execution, her mind flashed to her boys, what about them, they too we're half human half demon just like she was, would he execute them too, she shook her head, she couldn't bare to think about that right now she had more important things to things to think about than what ifs... Her best friend was in love with her... and if she was truly honest with herself she was falling for him too.

After collecting her thoughts Dru got up, she dressed quickly and headed to the kitchen, only to be greeted by Cal and Ethan playfully arguing over who was going to get the last cup of fresh coffee, grabbing her cup she wiggled gracefully between them and poured herself the last cup, smiling at them she spoke softly "I guess little old me solved the problem boys" smiling she sat on the sofa and looked out the window, her daydream was rudely interrupted at the shrill sound of her phone ringing, taking it out her pocket she glanced at the caller ID on the screen before answering "Zander, long time no speak brother, what's happened to influence this call?" She laughed slightly at her brothers rambling about how it's no fun with out her and that he only called because he was missing his occasionally annoying younger twin... "OK Zander let me finish my coffee and I'll come meet you for a few hours, usual spot, see you in about 15 minutes" hanging up she placed her phone back in her pocket, turning to a sleepy looking Cal she told him she was going to spend a few hours with her twin brother and she'd back later, before she had chance to leave he piped up like an excited child on Christmas Eve "I didn't know you were a twin, you dark horse you" he barked out a slight laugh at the look she was giving him, leaning around the closing door she giggled, "I guess there's a fair bit you don't know about me Caleb Knight!" he sat there staring blankly, "ohh using my full name are we? Well I guess Dru Gothica I will have to listen good later when you fill me in on everything about you, have fun with your brother, see you later" no sooner had he finished speaking she was gone.

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