Something in the darkness lurks.

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Time passed,she must've nodded off while reading, she was woken abruptly at an uneasy feeling of someone watching her in the darkness, the demon residing within her was snarling on high alert,she clearly sensed it too, Drü got up from her spot quickly and cautiously unsure of what dark and gnarly son of a bitch was lurking in the shadows, in a quick swift movement she hit the light switch before lunging at the shadow lurker pinning them to the floor. "Urgh jeez,someones been working out,either that or you've missed me loads" the realisation from hearing Jay's voice knocked her for six and she found herself pinning him down with more force, pure anger and relief he was alive rushing through her, "Jay seriously what the hell! You dissaper of everyone's radar for months then think it's ok to lurk in the shadows like some weirdo! I thought you were dead do you have any idea how that hurt! " looking up at her he smiled slightly before attempting to speak "I if you'd remove your arm from my throat I'll explain" she nodded slightly and lifted her arm before getting up completely,"go on then explain! " she snapped her demon still bubbling at the surface incase this was another trap,"I left to protect you, all of you, I knew of the delusions you'd been experiencing and I knew who was responsible so I tried to sort it, but they were aware I was coming for them, they muttered something in Latin and poof I was in some alternate reality,but then within time I was back here in our reality which meant that someone had taken them out, I checked in with Vincent and he confirmed it was you so I knew it was safe to return here." he looked at her trying to read her reaction..."Drü say something please" within minutes of his plea she spoke "Why didn't you try to communicate with me, why didn't you try, it felt like I was being punished for something, of course I took them out, I will always fight for you,for our boys, for our family,because well because I love you, all of you! " she suddenly felt a wave of emotion run through her like a bulldozer causing her to stumble forward, in an instant he caught her and pulled her in close to him, "I love you too, and I will die before I allow anything bad to happen to any of you, do you understand that?" holding her sobbing body close he kissed her head,"I'm not going anywhere I promise" she nodded slightly still in his embrace,hoping that the beings of Hell would leave them alone now.

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