Closure For A Fallen Friend.

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Days came and went by, a blur between life with her boys and life training with her brother for a war that seemed a long time coming, Dru sighed, she'd had a strange feeling that had been niggling her for a couple days, she had to figure it out before she could focus on more training; leaving Zander a note she went for a walk.
The night air was lovely and crisp, the moon glowed brightly and Dru realised she was walking through the realm of the dead, souls here often need closure before moving on both human and demonic alike.  Upahead in the moonlit clearing Dru spotted someone she knew, a human she had forged a close friendship with, he was a doctor at the local hospital, he'd treated her boys a few times and was unfazed even when Daemon almost burnt down the cubicle thanks to a case of fireball indegestion, he knew of her demonic half heritage and still accepted her and her family and now here he was in the realm of the dead, this wasn't good, walking closer she called out, "Caleb..  Hey Cal! what the hell are you doing here?" He could hear the concern in the familiar voice, turning around he faced her, that cheeky smirk across his face as always, "Oh hey Dru, yeah it's um a long story, but well yeah I died" he let out a small chuckle although the pain of the entire ordeal was clear in his eyes, "Yeah Cal I kinda gathered that seeing as your here, she smiled and hugged him, so long story huh, wanna give me the shorter version?" He nodded and began to explain, "we lost a patient, he was a nasty piece of work but that's not the point, anyway my little brother was the doctor in charge and well the eldest son wanted someone to pay for his father's death, I wasn't going to let that happen so I warned him to back off, he didn't, we got into a fight and the coward stabbed me, before fleeing the scene, so yeah I saved my brother but also failed as I left him alone without any explanation" I could see it was painful to talk about so I asked for a name and a description of the soon to be dead scum that ended my friends life... "Dru... What are you going to do, nobody knows where Scott currently is even the police can't find him" I could hear the concern in his voice, smiling I hugged him "What am I going to do.... Hmm... Find the scumbag that did this and make him pay... I'm going to get you closure... Besides you died for family... You we're... Are... My friend and that's as good as family in my eyes, I'll meet you here when it's done" in a flash she was gone.

Tracking down the pathetic scum wasn't hard, he was terrified and well demons find that so easy to track my 3 year old twins could've done it whilest sleeping, he was hauled up in a derelict house, he clearly hadn't been sleeping since he took Cal's life, this was going to be easy.... Standing in the shadows behind him she made her presence known, "Scott.... You've been a bad boy haven't you.... Did you never get told and eye for an eye and the whole world would go blind.... Or that if you poke the beast you'll eventually loose?" She chuckled at the way he darted around all skitterish looking for where the voice was coming from.. "I I don't know who you are, but I haven't done anything... So please leave you have no business here!" Dru's blood reached boiling point at his innocent plea.... She showed herself, staring him down with abyss black eyes, "You killed someone close to me, you left him alone in the rain to die, that doesn't sit well with me, so now you're going to pay for his death.... Do you understand!" She watched the colour drain from the pathetic cowards face, he stepped back, she lunged forward, a blood curdling scream echoed through the building followed by a loud THUD, it was over, walking out she dropped the still dead heart to the floor and flashed back to the realm of the dead.
Cal was stood in the exact same spot as when she left, although he seemed different he seemed calmer, hugging him tight she whispers in his ear "it's done, you're free" with that he vanished.

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