(Uncovered Pasts and Demonic headaches)

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Hours had passed since Dru left her new found brother, she had questions and her, THEIR father was going tonjabe to answer them, she wanted to know why Xavier had been shunned and outcasted, as soon as that thought left her head another popped in, it suddenly dawned on her she knew nothing about him.
Clearing her mind Dru quickly established a telepathic link with Xavier and continued to find out about him.
"Xavier it's Dru, I meant to do it earlier but I kinda lost track so I'm going to do it this way, it suddenly hot me that you know a fair bit about me but I know nothing about you, so I'm going to shut up now and you can tell me about you ...deal??" She paused in complete and utter silence for a moment, after what felt like a long ass eternity Xavier started speaking; "where do I even start, let's see, I too was born to a human mother thanks to daddy dearests preference to pure virginal human girls, so like you I'm part Cambion but due to  being a male child I got majority of dads other demonic heritage so I'm part Cambion demon part Xaphan so basically I'm a fire demon that was banished to over look the fiery furnace of Hell, you see dad wanted a girl first and when I was born it angered him so he shunned me, he soon discovered my use though after I left the pits unmanned and indulged in the monstrosities of the human realm, drinking, feeding and screwing my way through them men and women alike it never mattered to me and once I was done I killed them simple." A slow smirk danced across Xaviers lips before he spoke again, " A quality I've seen in you too,well apart from the pointless over indulgence of drinking excessively and whoring around, your quite the killer, well now you know about me, I hope it was helpful and insightful, keep everything in mind when you imterigate father dearest" with that said the connection was cut, leaving Dru with many many questions and one demonic headache.

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