Moonlit Beaches and Flamin Gallahs

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Dru was sat on the bed looking through her old box of photos, there was countless pictures of herself with Jay, some of Xavier before his death, some of Cal both before he died and recently taken, she was about to give up reminiscing when a photo took her by suprise..  It was a fairly old one, taken on a beach somewhere in Australia around the time she escaped her he'll bound captors for the first time, she was stood in the embrace of her first human best friend, a local lad by the name of Casey Braxton, they looked happy and at peace which given the circumstances was clearly a first for them both... Looking through some more she came across more pbotos either of the two of them or just of Casey... Her heart suddenly felt heavy as she remembered why she hadn't seen him in years.... She'd recently got with Jay when out the blue she had a phone call from an un recognised number, upon answering it she realised it was Brax,Caseys older brother, he found her number in Casey's phone and decided to ring, the call was short and heartbraking, Brax informed Dru that Casey had died, he'd been shot dead in a revenge motive against Brax, the killer was a scum bag called Jake Pirovic but he too had met his maker by someone connected to the family.... The call disconnected and Dru was left saddened and numb; years later here she was reliving the pain of her best friends passing, when suddenly it hit her, she could bring him back, it worked for Cal so why couldn't it work for Case.... Grabbing a bunch of the photos she headed to the local beach.
The beach was emoty and peaceful, most likely due to the fact it was 1am, sitting down she laid the photos out and began her ritual. Moments passed and Dru wasn't sure it had worked when suddenly she felt a familiar presence, turning to her right she saw him, he hadn't aged since his death and still had the same goofy grin he'd always had... Throwing her arms around him she hugged him tight, "How Dare you go and die like that you flaming Gallah!" she spoke softly, "I fully understand that you're going to be confused and have questions and I'm fully prepared to answer them as best I can, I will also be here to guide you and teach you" Casey hugged her back just as tight, "Dru, my god I've missed you, hey I'm not a Gallah ya cheeky sook, am I like a ghost now or a zombie?" he said giggling and roaming around like a mindless zombie, "No Case, you're what we call an immortal, basically you can't die again, but can eat and drink just as you did when you were alive, oh and you have powers that will soon start to kick in" He smiled, "ohh I like the sound of that" she couldn't help but laugh, he was exactly the same as he was when they were younger, she was glad he was ok with this new ordeal, she was glad to have her friend back after all these years.

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