Releasing Arie

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Dru knew it was time to relinquish control to Arie but she also knew that she'd need to do it quickly or there'd be a major chance that Arie wouldn't return the control back to Dru and that  would be bad like very bad, she fully understood where her demon was coming from they were both hurting over the loss of Xavier and of course his demon within so with a heavy heart she relinquished all control allowing Arie full control of her vessel.
Arie was the opposite to Dru in many ways, for starters her hair was as black as her eyes, usually when she comes out to play it's all in Dru's eyes they go from a deepish crimson to jet black, the opposite again to Dru's lover and his demon Vetis, Jay's eyes were red and yet went white when Vetis was in control, Aire smirked at this visual realization, especially as in the 2 years Dru had been with Jay neither had met each others demons something Aire planned on changing.
It was eerily quiet as Aire went about her hunt for her siblings killers, she knee they were close she could sense them but they also weren't alone, turning a corner in another dingy realm of Hell an evilily sadistic smirk formed and danced contently across her lips, she'd found them... Creeping up behind them she beheaded three in one go before they even knew she was amongst them, but the easyness of the ambush quickly turned 360 and Aire found herself face to face with the bastard that not only tortured Dru in the past but whom also had just killed Xavier.... "Well well well, who or should I say What do we have here?  Hmmm it seems your vessel wasn't strong enough to face me alone even after all these years.... I'm guessing you got my bloody mess of a message then, quite creative don't you think? " Arie let out a low growl at his words and wanted nothing more than to slice that smirk induced head right off his shoulders, but that would come soon enough for now she had to face facts that she had just unintentionally led her vessel straight to her worst nightmares open arms. "I'm stronger than she is and stronger than you are and you know that I'm right, I'm going to make sure you leave me, my vessel and her family both old and new well alone, your threat was not unheard and I gaurentee neither was mine! " growling she launched forward demon blades in hand with the intent of taking his stupid head clean off, as she did he grabbed her arm and with his last breath mutters something ,something Arie didn't quite catch but the fact Dru's old scars were now no longer faded and were as fresh as the day they healed she knew then he had done something, looking down at his lifeless headless corpse she slammed her fist into his chest cavity and pulled out his still heart, taking a bite she left knowing she had to give control back to Dru but not fully wanting to at least not until she figured out what her now snack had unleashed in his dying moment.

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