Arie's Return

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After walking for what seemed like an eternity Dru sat down in the clearing, the images of her brutal attack at the hands of Mara flashed freely through her eyes and mind, she could still hear him as clear as that day, tormenting her with how much she deserved what he had in store for her, how long he'd waited for this moment, how much pain she'd go through to give him immense pleasure, how worthless and pathetic Jay actually thought she was.... Shaking her head violently she tried to shake it all away, another voice came into play, begging to be in control so she could heal properly, she was well aware it was Arie she could now hear, this whole ordeal had been bad for her too although her demon side thrived on the bad, the pain and violence, Arie lived for it, craved it even, straightening herself Dru spoke aloud to her inner being; "I know you want out Arie, but I don't think now's the right time, Jay's already concerned about me how will I explain you huh, besides he's never met you or you him for that matter" she sighed heavily as Arie spoke back, after a couple minutes Dru nodded and the shift over began, flicking her raven black hair out her face Arie started home.

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