The Seductive One Returns

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Days had passed since she had contacted ZoZo and she still couldn't figure out how or why a High Ranking Pure Blood Demon was terrified of a Mortal......What did Sam possess that scares the Heaven out of a Demon.....holding that thought she grabbed her phone... Finding Sam's number in her contact list she hit dial and waited.... "Hello.... Dru... What's up?" he sounded tired... She glanced at the time 10.15am "Sam hey uhm I need to talk to you about something and I guess maybe ask a favour.." there was that awkward silence that everyone hates... Maybe she would have been better sending a text.... " yeah sure that's fine, come over the house in about an hour it'll just be myself and Colby here if that's any good to you ?" she breathed a slight sigh of relief, "yeah that would be great, ok well I'll see you in an hour" with that she hung up.  Grabbing her coffee she sat on the sofa and once again tried to reach Arie via mental link..... Again nothing.... This sucked, sighing she grabbed the ingredients and objects needed for the favour she was going to ask Sam for later before heading for a quick shower.

-Flash to some unkown realm of Hell-

Arie paced her confinement, it had been days since that odd looking demon asshat had been sniffing around..... God and people though horny tennagers were bad...  In between the silence and the painful wailing coming from one of the many corridors Arie could've sworn she could hear Dru.... Yet when she called out in response there was nothing... Sitting down sbe decided to try and forge an astral link.... Closing her eyes she focused really really hard..... Whoooo it worked she could see Dru.... She could see a tad too much of Dru..... Damn girl either wrap a towel around yaself or get dressed..... She waited a little while until Dru emerged fully dressed.... Oohhh who are you texting now Missy.... Huh... Ohh who is Sam..... Meh I guess we'll find out.... She wondered if she had enough energy to maybe knock Dru's phone off the table.... She tried with all her might.... Nothing.... Damn....  and with that the connection was gone..... Arie kept herself open just incase Dru tried another way of communication....

-flash forward to the TrapHouse-

Dru arrived at the gated driveway of the Trap House she pressed the buzzer and stated who she was... Within minutes Colby was outside ushering her to follow him inside... Once inside he turned to the grand staircase "SAM.... DRU'S HERE!"
"BE RIGHT DOWN!" came the reply... Dru followed Colby into the kitchen and sat down... "Would you like a coffee or anything?" he asked, she politely shook her head before turning to see that Sam had now joined them.

" You wanted to tell me something, is everything ok, did you manage to cleanse the house?" He sounded slightly panicked, "Sam, relax, I cleansed the entire house and discovered that ZoZo one high ranking nasty ass demon that you summoned was, well, IS TERRIFIED of YOU.... he said you know stuff and well that kind of leads me to that favour I mentioned...  I was hoping that maybe You and Colby could help me with a summoning to try and get Arie... my full demon side back, please if what ZoZo says is true then this could be my last hope... She looked at him with pleading in her eyes... And she waited.

Minutes passed before Sam answered...
"Sure I'll give it a go.... I mean hey you know me I LOVE summoning Demons" he chuckled slightly.. She turned to Colby "what about you... Are you willing to help too?" Without hesitation Colby nodded in enthusiastic agreement... Dru hugged them both before handing Sam the bag of tricks he'd be needing; stepping to one side she activated the Wards she had previously set up around the house.... Now nobody demon or mortal will be getting in or out of this house without permission.

Dru glanced over at Sam and Colby they were ready to start all they needed was her, walking over she chanted something in Latin and pricked her finger, she let 3 drops of blood drop upon the sacred alter....then she nodded at Sam.....

"VII voco super regna inferos ego voco fructum metuendas Dcemonis violentias, ut notum omnibus Arie ostende te ... ... ... te fac opus tuum prescence notum Arie, et terebrare viel inter vos envoke fovere regnorum join us ....!"

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