Baby Blues... Missing Demon Blues more like it...

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She was tired and restless and borderline could Arie just vanish... How Is That possible, flashing to her fathers demonic dwelling she called out for him, she decided upon doing so in Latin as she wasn't convinced something demonic wasn't behind Arie's disappearance....
"Pater, Pater ... nunc dicere nobis necesse !!!"
"Drusilla, fili mi, quid est quod habes ut urgente clamate et vociferamini?"
"Interrogavit quid egi, inveni et Porro Angelus auxilium, dimisit Angelus Domini, salvus erit the realm of accurantur, ad inferos et restituet Angelus est anima mea O filii tui vel neptis ... Opera omnia, dum nunc aliquid est."
"Nefas: Quid facitis, quod per .. Drusilla, is ... suus 'Quid accidit?"
"Ego prorsus Nescio, sed puto absentis Arie est omnino ... Nonne audire non possum pater suus, surrexit, et Ego conatus radio silentio nihil nisi eerie, quia nesciunt quid faciunt."
"Manus suas non erunt, et illa pars Lucifer propter taciturnitatem debet esse causa...sic fac mecum ut relinquam te et dabimus tibi daemonium vestri tergum."

-Urgh with everything going on right now I forgot that you human readers still haven't bothered to clear to read Latin so keep up while I translate for you..-

"Father, Father, we need to talk... Now!!! "
"Dru,my child, what's so urgent that you have to shout?"
"I did what you asked, I found Angel and with Arie's help, released Angelus, saved the realm of Hell and managed to restore Angel's soul... oh all whilest in Labour with YOUR granddaughter... but now something is wrong."
"Wrong, what do you mean by that... Dru.. What's happened?"
"I I don't know exactly, but I think Arie is completely gone... I can't hear her dad, I've tried and got nothing but eerie radio silence, I don't know what to do."
"Gone, she can't be gone, she's a part of you for Lucifers sake, there has to be a reason for the silence... leave it with me I'll make sure we get your demon back."

Before she had chance to say anything in agreement Byleth was gone, she still didn't feel right, still couldn't feel or hear Arie and now she felt even more wiggied out thanks to her father's so-so attitude to the issue at hand.... She didn't know what to do or even who she could trust but she knew she needed to find Arie and if daddy dearest was in on it all for what ever reason then maybe just maybe her many siblings could offer their assistance.

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