A Brother's Insecurity

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(A Brother’s Insecurity)

A  few days had passed and the threat that Zander had mentioned was  creeping closer, they hadn't really had much time to catch up, what with training and everything else, but he would make sure they got some catch up time, caught up in his own thoughts he didn't hear Arie enter the room nor did he see the demon blade fly through towards him.... "You're gonna get yourself killed... Again... At that rate anyway" Arie laughed as she pulled her brother about his lack of concentration, "what's got those brain cells of yours in a tizzy... A girl... A boy.... Don't tell me you've developed feelings for the hellhounds again", she couldn't help but giggle at the innocent yet confused look on her brothers face, "Arie... Seriously.. Knock it off, I've never had feelings for a hellhound...not since HE killed my puppy anyway... No I was just thinking about family... Or the lack of one until now.. You said that Dru has kids and an extended family" he looked down as his voice trailed off, sensing the hurt in his voice Arie spoke softly but forcefully.. "Yes, Yes she does, and they are all going to love you, they accepted Xavier, hell they accepted me oh and her husband to be even accepted daddy dearest and considering the demon within Jay HATES our father they made it work... Zander I promise you have NOTHING to worry about," Zander sighed slightly, and a small smile danced across his lips, Arie knew he had nothing to worry about, she'd mentally fill Dru in later before swapping places so they too can bond, resting her head on Zander's shoulder she rested... It was going to be a long process.

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