New Powers and A New Brother.

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Hours had passed since Dru had killed to feed Arie, and now it was time for some answers about these powers she'd unleashed on Cal, establishing a mental link with Arie, Dru continued to speak:

" Arie? Arie!"
" Quid est?"
" Bargain ego kept mihi in finem: vobis potum dedi, Nunc opus est ut pars tua, et adiuva me."
" Drusilla, is ego auxiliatus sum tibi, postquam Ego dormivi, scitis quomodo vadit, pasceretur, succenderetur somno auxilium."
" Urgh Arie, youll 'reperio aliquis ad auxilium me bene."
" Julianus Imperator petit te potest semper"
" Nam Iulianus frater nosti."
" Frater?"
" Inaestimabile sacramentum, quod sic, quid, inquam, carissime got circa tata."
" Arie, Arie ?! Urgh"

It was no good the demon within had well and truly fell into a food coma and was asleep, it was now up to Dru to to track down yet another offspring.

(Urgh keep up MORTAL.... in 3,2,1 TRANSLATE)

" Arie? Arie!"
"What?! "
" I kept my end of the bargain, I fed you, now you need to keep your part and help me. "
" Dru, I will help you, after I've slept, you know how it goes, feed, sleep, help."
" Urgh Arie, fine I'll find someone else to help me. "
"You could always ask Julian"
"Julian? "
" Yes, Julian, you know your brother."
" Brother? "
" ohh yes, what can I say, daddy dearest got around."
" Arie, Arie?! Urgh "

After a short walk Dru came to a clearing, she'd been trying to track her new brother seeing as they had a father in common and it had led her here, taking a deep breath she called out:
" Julian my brother from yet another mother... Damn dad gets around... I need your help like BIG time, as you know I brought Cal back from the realm of the dead and made him an immortal but I thought that was all and now Arie has took pleasure in informing me that he now has powers.... Like seriously.... And that I need to teach him to invoke them and master to control them.... Eekkkk.... Help I've never done that before.... So yeah I need your help... Please...."

She wasn't sure if it had or even would work but she had to at least try, five minutes had gone and Dru was about to give up when she heard him.

" You know im here for you Drü Gothïcą in any way shape or form. We can figure it out together. Let me know what you need me to do."

She was shocked, not only had she just discovered she had get another brother but he actually answered her and was clearly willing to help, settling her nerves she continued to speak to the man stood in front her;

" I have no clue what I'm supposed to do, how do I help him when I don't know what to do..."

Julian could clearly see the distress on his new sisters face and was determined to help her anyway he could, looking her square in the eyes he continued to listen to her predicament and their new conversation;

" Well first you have to find out what powers he has. You can't train or help him if he doesn't know he has them."

Dru thought hard about what Julian had said before responding;

" I know at least 3"

" What are they?"

" Astral projection, telekinesis and pyrokinesis"

" Well then get him around fire and encourage
him to move things with his mind and stuff. Having concentrate. Visualize his power and see If he can control it."

" I will try that, thank you."

"No worries Dru, besides we're family now and that's what we do, we stick together and help each other, I'll always be here for you all you need to do is call"

Dru nodded before embracing her new brother in a hug, she needed to help Cal and now she just might be able to, bidding Julian goodbye she quickly headed home to Cal's appartment, although she wanted to try something along the way.

Concentrating as hard as she could she opened a mental communication link hoping to hone in on Cal,

"Cal, it's Dru, if you can hear me, don't panic, you're not going crazy, but I've found out that since I brought you back as an immortal you have also came back with supernatural powers and abilities, this mind link is one of them, you can answer me just by thinking what you would normally say to my face, I'm on my way home, there's a lot I need to tell you"

Leaving the link open in case he attempted a reply she continued her journey home,

"Dru, I I can hear you, hopefully you can hear me and I'm not saying this aloud like a crazy person that's talking to themselves, I have things to tell you too, earlier after you left I stopped a baby bird falling from his nest to his death, like it was falling and i just moved my hand and it stopped in mid air, I figured it was to do with you bringing me back, it was awesome, hurry home I want to show you"

A smile danced across Dru's face, he always was a quick learner, she picked up her pace, while continuing the mental conversation;

"Cal that's brilliant, and aww you saved the birdy, I'll be with you in two minutes I've got a quicker way than walking and trust me you're going to love it"

She allowed him to respond before closing the connecting link and flashing from the alley she'd turned into straight into the living room of the apartment,

"Whoa Dru, you HAVE to teach me that!"

She giggled slightly at her boyfriends request,

"I will, I promise"

Taking a seat next to him on the couch they started talking, there was a lot to discuss and a lot to take in, it was going to be a long process for both of them.

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