This Is Not Over!

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After spending a couple hours with Zander Dru was stood on the roof of Cal's apartment thinking about the event a of the last few weeks, she smiled slightly when she felt his arm snake around her waist, she started thinking that maybe they could make a go of it, leaning back against him she smiled, her thoughts were brought to a very abrupt halt at the sound of low angry growling, snapping her head up she saw him, "Jay what the hell, what in the name of Lucifer are you doing here!?" he appeared angry well guess what so was she and boy was he going to know about it, turning to face Cal she begged him to go inside but he was stubborn and refused to leave her side, "Dru who the HELL is HE?! and what do you think you are doing... Huh!?" Jay bellowed angrily at her, a raw wave of rage and other emotions surged through her, she felt Cal's embrace get tighter around her waist, she was thankful he was there but she needed to embrace this, she needed to tell Jay how she felt, stepping forward she squared up to Jay her face inches from his... "How Dare you, I hear nothing from you for months, no call, no texts, no note nothing you couldn't even be bothered to reach my via mental link! I needed you! HE is Cal, he is my best friend, I needed you because HE was murdered and I wiped out the scum that killed him but I was upset and alone and I missed you and I missed HIM and you wasn't here so I did the one thing I COULD control ...I brought HIM back... Do you have ANY idea how it feels to be ignored like worthless trash, to have nightmares that YOU were or Are planning to kill me, HE made me feel safe and loved and wanted... YOU didn't... So I'm sorry if on your unannounced return I'm not acting like your property... You don't get to just disappear out of my life without any warning or explanation and expect me to be here waiting like a lap dog! It DOESN'T work like that I have feelings too, I trusted you and for what huh! What did I do so bad to deserve that, I gave you everything, I loved you with every inch of my being and you tossed me aside like trash and I'm sorry if you're ego is being damaged because HE'S doing what you DIDN'T!" she kept her now black eyes fixed on Jay even though she could feel them welling up, she was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry, she was stronger than that and come hell and high water she wasn't going to bow down just because he had returned, "I suggest you leave her alone for a bit, you can clearly see that she's angry and hurt by your actions... Well lack of... I don't understand how you can treat her like this, she's amazing and deserves to be treated that way!" Dru was thrown at the fact Cal actually challenged Jay, what was he thinking, this wasn't going to end well.. "I know I've been a jerk, I know she deserves better, but I'm NOT going to loose her to the likes of you! I'll give her space for now seeing as you asked so nicely but I'm telling you now... This isn't over! " with a blink of an eye Jay was gone....and she once again felt Cal's embrace and let out a deep breath, turning to the door to the apartment she could see Ethan, he'd clearly been watching the heated showdown and clearly had questions... "Dru are you OK?" He asked softly before turning his attention to Cal.. "CALEB WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL THAT ABOUT?!, I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN, URGH... USUALLY ITS JUST THE BOYFRIEND YOU MANAGE TO PISS OFF BUT NOO, THIS TIME YOU MANAGE TO PISS OFF THE DEMONIC BOYFRIEND... WELL DONE...! " shaking his head he walked away, leaving Cal and Dru alone to think about what may or may not happen next.

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