Time to Confront Byleth

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Within minutes Dru flashed in to her fathers realm.. Looking around she couldn't see anyone, so she yelled out for him, "Pater! Oportet autem dicere! "
"Dru, Sweetie, prope cessabit Quid negotist? "
"Quid ad rem? Uhm de Xaverius, quomodo? Quare non indicasti mihi, frater?"
"Xaverius, quis eum non vidimus oculo ad oculum ita Yeah amoveretur inferorum regnum aliud quid quid dixit?"
"Non sic oculo ad oculum videbunt relegavit ?! LATRO magna vincere pater ibi annum et postea prorsus non mihi tu in principio aut ?! Cur non et nos direxerunt reficere reficere Xaverii, velit velit esse pater familias."
"Ille dixit qui fecit?"
"Tota autem tacens non cogitat de murmurationis mens accipi scio quia audivit Pater placeat facere rectum. "
"Cras ego congressum .... fine beatas componere?"
"Lorem ... quod etiam ego pater."

No words and a quick hug followed and Dru left as quickly as she had arrived, things might actually be looking up.

(Urgh you LAZY humans you PROMISED you'd learn Latin.... Here we go again with the translation game... Try and keep up!)

"Father! We need to talk... Now!"
"Dru, sweetie, calm down what's the matter at hand? "
"What's the matter at hand? Uhm how about Xavier? Why didn't you tell me I had a brother?"
"Xavier, oh him, yeah we never saw eye to eye so I banished him to a different realm of Hell, why what's he said?"
You didn't see eye to eye so you banished him?!  wow great way to win father of the year right there, then again you didn't exactly want me in the beginning either did you?! We managed to fix it so why can't you and Xavier fix it, please dad he wants to be a family."
"Has he said that?"
"Not aloud no but it's all he thinks about his mind is screaming to be accepted, I know because I heard it, please dad do the right thing."
"Fine I will arrange a meeting with him tomorrow.... happy now?"
"Thank you dad... and yes I am."

The Death Of Humanity: So the Future Begins Where stories live. Discover now