Broken but not Destroyed

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Dru had been walking aimlessly for days, she wanted to be with Jay and the boys so badly for Christmas but the voice in her head saying that Jay didn't want her there was clearly telling the truth, so she continued her destructive path. Unbeknown to her, the path was about to get a whole lot worse, she had unintentionally walked right into the lair of a demon that for years liked nothing more than to torture her both physically and mentally. An eerie silence fell upon her and she glanced around, taking a deep breath at her now known surroundings, "Ah Dru, Dru, you came back, I ALWAYS knew you would, tell me did you hurt yourself when you we're thrown from heaven? " Mara's words danced around her laced with sarcasam and lust, "No Mara I did not although I did skin my knees when Jay yanked me out of your sespit part of hell" her voiced carried a hint of amusement laced with fear, truth be told Mara was the worst, whenever she messed up it was his job to put her in her place a task he took immense pleasure in.
"You know Dru, you were Always my favourite play thing, you healed so quickly after every beating, I had planned to up the pleasure I bestowed on you from just physical to sexual but unfortunately for me HE saved you, but where is he now huh,your beloved saviour, ohh yes that's right he's at home with the twin boys you bore him, now he has what he really wants, he or nobody else will care what I do to you... You may have escaped me once but this time you won't, I promise to make you enjoy it almost as much as I will! " she backed away as quickly as she could but he was quicker, he was always quicker when high on lust and sexual desire, she knew by the tone of evil in his voice he men at every word, she daren't close her eyes, for the detailed images of the sick perveted things he was planning on doing to her played vividly, she tried to run but he pounced, slamming her to the dusty cold floor of his lair, in one quick movement he had her how he wanted her, partially naked and bound tight.

Hours had passed in a painful blur, she hurt and ached all over, Mara was indeed a demon of his word, he had done everything he said he was going to her and more, she knew the scars and marks from each viscous beating she had recieved these past few hours would heal, but the scars on the inside from every forceful thrust he put her threw they'd take longer, she was pretty sure that he was so rough and evily forceful for the main reason of rendering her unable to bear anymore offspring, a tear escaped her bruised and swollen eye as both the darkness and desperate need for sleep overtook her.
In the darkness he crept, seeking out the vermin that had hurt her, he found him crouched lustfully over her bound and broken body,in one swift movement he had him "you were wrong Mara, so stupidly wrong, I saved her from you once and now, well let's just say that you will never hurt her again! " silence once again filled the lair as Mara's lifeless body slumped to the floor. His sights set on her, kneeling beside her he carefully scooped her up, her eyes opened as best they could, her voice was dry and strained 'Jay, h how can you love someone like me,I I destroy everything I come into contact with" her eyes grew heavy and she rested against him, "Dru, sweetheart, destruction is also a form of creation, I've loved you since the first time I ever saw you, I may have saved you but you, you gave me a reason to live, a reason to exist, we'll get through this together as a family I promise no one will ever harm you again, let's go home". Holding her close to him he felt her heart beating in sync with his, a small smile danced across his lips and he flashed them home.

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