Fear an Delusions

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"Pater, si non potest hic quaeso ut audias me adjuvet."
"Dru Quid accidit ? Ubi eras?"
"Commotus et anxius fui , fui cum his cogitationibus dreams , Jay illusiones te agitat mihi nec matri facere ."
"Shh puerum et dixistis liberati sumus nunc hic non noceat ."
"Patrem non possunt, quod enim operor non intellego non iniuria tantum facinus vere beatus accipi volo?!"
"Qui cum Drusilla s ? Puer qui vocas , qui scis haec facit?"
"Et non sunt accepta responsabilis Agramon Balban sunt daemones ab Philotanus iubet , et Pater placet mihi ut subsisto .Est via scire queam quid mihi ... Belial accersi hic veniens intra vas suum uas forsitan scit."
"EGO coniecto ut sensum est videndum quid daemoni Agramon Balban est timor et daemon illusionibus, utrumque unus est viribus adiuvantes eos censeri sed sem prorsus nova daemonia es mihi Daemon autem est ordo secundum ministerium Philotanus Belial Belial non modo quid vis tibi?"
"Non ego sum ​​sponsus, et ego non audivi Thomas de filiabus Belial , maybe aliquis scit ... Vincent, ego iustus volo ut subsisto."
"p .. stop..i placeat facere potes facere nolo loqui sicut ad finem."
"Shh iste , vobis verbum meum."

-oops I forgot again that you mesely humans still don't understand Latin, seriously don't you think it's about time you learnt the language??? OK never mind here's the English translation catch up game... Once again-

("Father, please if you're here and can hear me please help me."
" Dru what's happened? where have you been?"
"I was upset and confused, I've been having these thoughts,dreams,delusions that Jay is planning to do to me what you yourself did to my mother"
"Shh child, you're safe now, nothing can hurt you here."
"No father THEY can, I don't understand what I did wrong, I just want to be accepted and happy is that really a crime?!"
"Dru who's they? Child who do you mean, are you aware of who's causing this?"
"Agramon and Balban are the demons responsible but they are taking orders from Philotanus, Father please help me make it stop."
"Well I guess that makes sense seeing as Agramon is the demon of Fear and Balban is the demon of Delusions, each one alone is a force to be reckoned with but them working together is new to me they're not exactly teamwork demons but Philotanus is a second order demon in service to Belial,it doesn't make sense what would Belial want with you?"
"I I don't know but I've heard Jay's daughters fiance mention Belial, maybe Vincent knows something... I I just want it to stop."
"There's a way I can find out what he knows... I can summon Belial here, he will come within his vessel,maybe his vessel knows you."
"p.. please do anything you can to make it stop..i don't want to end up like my mother."
"Shh child, you have my word.")

With that said nothing could be unsaid and Byleth had some information to extract from whoever Belials vessel was this time.

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