A Summoning and a Promise

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After a restless night filled with his daughters scared and pained nightmare and delusional filled screams Byleth knew he had to find Belial and find out what his game was, checking that Dru was now in a peaceful state of sleep he flashed to a more private and secluded area of his realm and went about summoning Belial.
".... Ego ... vis in verbo, in te Belial Belial ! Aut non est in eis patientia fera anser inferno per te persequi et hunc ordinem convocatis .. ! Get diabolica asinus tuus hic!"
"esse nuper ad me cumque vocant rogatus essem vere venistis ad me ut vocarent te Zepar quidnam??"
"Ne dolorem ob causam accersistis me volo daemonis ... duae filiae tuae patsy demone?!"
"Zepar hic afferam pauxillum rectae nurus tua esset Dru Jay Lurv propterea facient illam noverca ... sum corrigere sponsa mea , an non? quare velim in nomine ipsius luciferi huh ... quoquo modo nocere??"
"Daemonium habes Agramon Balban metu opus est Philotanus secundi ordinis errorum daemonium habes imperium daemoni sic...si qui non praeparavit et mandavit quod infernum?!"
"Non quia non fecit mihi Philotanus relegavit ... et duo menses in sem non exacte cognosci nequit, non potest esse in his rebus tecum..vel forte vel Jay Vetis?"
"Et ideo non simpliciter vehemens vocavique vos ut opinor, sperabam te mihi credere incipio responsio illa malorum..Jay disperdam eam perdere matri deferretur."
"Quod non esset , si vere diligit , numquam nocere et damnum minus sinis,remanere permittite mihi, tibi discis quid cognoscam hoc verbo."

(ohhh seriously you humans NEED to take a course on Latin, this translation game is getting really old...anyway here goes try and keep up..)

"Belial....Belial... I want a word with you! I don't have the time or the patience to go on a wild goose chase through Hell looking for you.. so consider this an order by summoning! Get your demonic ass here now!"
"You didn't have to summon me you really could've just asked and I'd have come,so Byleth what exactly did you summon me for??"
"Don't get smart with me demon... I want to know why you sent two of your patsy demons after my daughter?!"
" Let me get this straight here Byleth, your daughter would be Dru,Jay's fiancee,therfore making her my fiancee's stepmother... am I correct or not? so why in the name of Lucifer himself would I wish to harm her in any way...huh??"
"You have Agramon the demon of fear and Balban is the demon of delusions working for Philotanus a second order demon who is under your command... so if you haven't set it up and given the order who the hell has?!"
"Philotanus doesn't serve me hasn't done since I banished him months ago... and the other two aren't exactly known for their teamwork efforts, is it possible any of them have issues with yourself.. or maybe Jay or Vetis?"
"I honestly don't know that's why I summoned you, I guess I was hoping you'd have the answers... she's starting to believe the nightmares that Jay's going to destroy her like I destroyed her mother."
" He wouldn't do that,he genuinely loves her and would never harm her let alone allow her to be harmed, leave it with me,i give you my word I will find out why they're doing this."

With the conversation over and Belials word given he flashed out leaving Byleth alone.

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