Intercepted conversations and Odd Nicknames

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Moments passed that felt like an eternity and Arie realised she was still in Vetis' embrace, looking up she smiled before breaking the contact between them, she could here Dru communicating from within, focusing all her energy she spoke to her vessel using their inward link; 'Dru relax, I get it ok, wait say that again.... Seriously you think THAT is whats going on here,there's no such thing as what you're suggesting going on between me and Vetis, yes I fully understand he's your finances demon I'm not completely stupid... Urgh.... Besides he is a completely separate entity to Jay just as I am too you..... Urgh no stop putting words in my mouth.. That is not what I'm saying.... Dru seriously stop it, yes ok fine I'll admit he's kinda cute and yes he gives good hugs.... Oh shut up I know you felt it too, shit is this link actually secure cuz it feels like it's been intercepted.... Dru.... Dru... What the hell did you do!?'
Her thought process was interrupted suddenly by Vetis' low chuckle, snapping her neck up she glared at him, 'what you chuckling at?' He looked back at her and shrugged, yes he knew it wound her up but he kinda liked the nickname she gave him for it.... He waited to see if she reacted before giving an answer, and as if by magic her reaction erupted as she was up in his face 'urgh I've told you about shrugging ....Shrugger..... It's really not a good look on you' he couldn't help but smile at her response... He really did like that nickname... 'You asked what I was chuckling at well i guess I never really gave a thought about how daft Jay looks when I'm bugging him from inside his head well not until just now.... Oh and I do give good hugs don't I' he chuckled again, 'what makes you say that.... Oh for the love of Lucifer it was you.... You intercepted our link.... Oh crap, how far into the convo did u join?' He shrugged again 'thanks to Dru uhm adding me I didn't need to intercept it and uhm well all of it' he smiled as he spoke and Arie well she blushed as he spoke, 'aww has the badass demoness gone as red as her vessels hair, if it's any consolation you give nice hugs too' Arie couldn't physically speak... 'Wow that's a first, you have nothing to say' she hears Dru playfully taunting her from the inside, maybe it wasn't a bad thing she seemed to have these urgh feelings for him besides it's not like they we're breaking any known rules they are technically separate entities from their human counterparts, she caught sight of him shrugging in the corner of her eyeline, 'urgh Shrugger what we gonna do with you huh' she laughed catching him up, 'ohh I'm sure we could think of something we could do with me, don't you' he gave her a suggestive wink before pulling her close, 'I'll let you ponder that for a while huh Blusher' she let him pull her in close, hell she even gave in and hid herself against his chest,looking up at him she smiled slightly,'wait did you just nickname me blusher?' He laughed 'Yup, besides Blusher it's only fair seeing as you nicknamed me Shrugger' she paused in thought for a second 'Yeah I call you Shrugger because you keep shrugging' he shrugged again, 'well you keep blushing... Blusher' she had to agree he had a point, 'hehe so it's Shrugger and Blusher against the world huh, I like that' she resumed her position resting her head against his chest, for once she felt calm, happy even if that was even possible.

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