2 Down 4 To Go

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In a flash Dru had joined Xavier, smirking as she walked over to where he was standing, her eyes as black as the night, "So Angelito makes warning numero uno? Who's next brother dear?" She waited for a response..... Within seconds he spoke.... "The remaining scum that needs eradicating is as follows: Botis, Chamos
Kali,Xaphan and of course the kingpin Malphas. Oh Dru... Malphas is Mine and this time it's personal". Dru listened and nodded... It was fully understandable that Xavier would want to be the one that wipes out the kingpin. The silence was broken by the loud squark of a majestic black crow.... It seemed to be what was helping Xavier find the scum.... With another loud squark the bird took off, Dru felt the strong urge to follow...she gave it a few minutes before slowly following the majestic birds lead.

In a dark dingy back street Botis was laughing like a sadistic maniac.... He had found another innocent victim to mess with, he was kicking the living crap outta some poor street urchin for what seemed like fun..... Let's see how fun it was when its him being messed with.... The crow squaked loudly alerting Botis of it's prescence..Dru sashayed seductively through the shadows... She could sense the annoyance the Crow was causing Botis it danced of him in waves, it squarked again... Botis snapped his head up fron the beating he was dishing out "Shut it squarky.... Or I'll break you just like I broke skanky over there" a twisted chuckle escaped his throat, turning to the lifeless street urchin he emptied the entire catalogue of his revolver into the poor soul.... Dru had seen enough, time to teach Botis a life lesson...
Stepping out of the shadows slowly hee voice danced around like a sweet echo.... "Botis... Botis... Can you hear me Botis.?"

His head snapped up and around, frantically looking for where and who the voice was coming from....

"W.. Who are you, where are you.... SHOW YOURSELF! "

Dru giggled, she liked it when they got angry.... It made it more fun.....

"I'm right here Botis.... I'm right here, you see, I've heard you've done something so terrible that it can not be ignored..... Death.. Like virtue has it's degrees and tonight Botis, Hell sends an Angel bearing gifts...."

"Who are you, I've done nothing to you... Nothing... Ya crazy bitch! "

Dru flashed to right in Botis' face, she grabbed hold of his shirt right above where his black demonic heart would be encased within him...

"You hurt me... You killed my brother AND my nephew... So you can see why I would be a Crazy Bitch as you so kindly pointed out! " a twisted little smirk crept across her lips.... "So you see Botis when sorrow comes, they come not as single spies but in battalions. I've allies in Heaven, I've got commrades in Hell.....say hello for me...."
No sooner had the words danced from her tongue, the dank air was filled with both a blood-curdling scream and the loud gleeful squark of the magistic bird as she fiercely ripped the still slow beating heart from Botis' chest.... She feasted quickly before leaving to help Xavier find and destroy the others.... 2 down...4 to go!.

The Death Of Humanity: So the Future Begins Where stories live. Discover now