Disturbances and Angelus

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She was rested after her time with Zander, but now she needed to have a talk with her father, this would be the fourth sibling he'd kept quiet, she couldn't help but wonder what else he was hiding..within an instant she had flashed to his realm in Hell...
"Patrem, necesse est nos dicere."
She waited impatiently for him to show himself and respond;
"Immo faciemus,Ibi seditio per loca inferni."
"A commotio? Quid sibi vult hoc etiam .."
"Im 'non omnino certa, sed nescio quid necesse est angelus' auxilium"
"Angelus Domini? Yup eius umquam audistis"
"Drusilla, quo Angelus Lamiam timuerunt valde notissimum multis"
"Recta ok, inveniet celebre instaret, vampire hmm .... Quid igitur?"
"Suus 'non ut simplex Drusilla, is, youll' have ut trahunt ex eo, cui maledixit diei vides post occisionem gypsy, ipsa reddidit animam beatitudinem monitusque operam perdere si pure accepit Angelus liberando"
"A vampire cum anima, hmm, qui non viderunt, qui venit ergo iterum venio aut non videatur aliter fratrem Patri ..."
"Drusilla, is, focus in negotium procul manus, ut youll 'reperio Tunc angelus meus de seminibus"
"Bene, youll 'reperio ut nos tunc Angelus est de umbra Lurker videtur quod soror mea sic ... non possum invenire aliquam ideas in quo est angelus?"
"Vos verbum meum, accedit nomine Angelus, et auxiliatus sum tibi hoc invenient illum, cave, quaeso."
He handed her a small amulet and a small piece of paper of which he was sure would lead her to the infamous vampire with a soul and then it was down to her to remove said soul and envoke Angelus within, what could possibly go wrong.

-Arie!  Stop laughing it's not the human readers fault that they don't read or understand Latin... I guess it's time to play the infamous translation game.... Keep up human... -

"Father, we need to talk."
She waited impatiently for him to show himself and respond;
"Indeed we do, There's a disturbance throughout the realms of hell"
"A disturbance? What does that even mean?"
"I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that you will need Angelus' help"
"Angelus? Yup never heard of him"
"Dru, Angelus is a vampire of whom is very well known and very feared for many reasons"
"Right ok, find famous, feared vampire.... hmm then what?"
"Dru it's not that simple, you'll have to draw him out, you see Angelus was cursed after killing a gypsy,she gave him back his human soul and the warning that if he felt pure happiness he'd lose it freeing Angelus"
"A vampire with a soul, hmm, never saw that one coming, then again I didn't see yet another sibling coming either...Father"
"Dru, focus on the task at hand, find Angelus THEN we'll discuss my offsprings"
"Fine, I'll find Angelus THEN we discuss The Shadow Lurker that's apparently MY sister... so any ideas where I can find this Angelus? "
"You have my word, he goes by the name Angel and this will help you find him, please be careful."
He handed her a small amulet and a small piece of paper of which he was sure would lead her to the infamous vampire with a soul and then it was down to her to remove said soul and envoke Angelus within, what could possibly go wrong.

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