Operation Braxton Break-Out

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It was 3am everyone was asleep,everyone except Dru,she was sat on the sofa trying to think of how to give Casey a sorta family reunion like she'd done for Cal, except she had no idea where Heath or Brax was and Kyle was in Prison... that was it, she needed to break Kyle out of prison, this should be simple... Or so she thought.....

Looking through some old letters she found what she was looking for, Kyle was serving time for an armed robbery he never committed in Parramatta Correctional Centre in Sydney she'd been there before when Casey was serving time for the murder of his so called father Danny, closing her eyes she pictured the prison and flashed herself there.

The prison was cold and dark and smelt funny,the prisoners names where on little metal placards on the doors... Urgh why couldn't they put them all in alphabetical order...... This was gonna take ages..... Putting her hand in her pocket she pulled out a photo of Kyle....closing her eyes she could clearly visualise the photo..within minutes she had flashed herself directly into Kyle's cell.

"Wake up sleepy head,it's time to go" she said yanking the prison issue duvet off a sleeping Kyle,
"What the hell,go,go where?" he said half angry and half asleep,looking up he recognised her,"Dru,what the hell are you  doing here and how did you get in?"
"Uhm I'll explain later, especially as the way I got in is the same way I'm getting you out, oh and I'm here because of Casey." she paused when she saw his head drop sadly at his younger brothers name;
"Casey, what about Casey, he's dead, I was with him when he died." the sorrow was still raw in his voice, she stepped forward slowly, placed her hand in his and whispered "like I said I'll explain everything as soon as we're out.... Oh and hold tight." no sooner had she spoke and they were stood in the middle of her lounge,
"What the hell just happend, Dru, explain" his voiced was slightly raised, smiling she looked him square in the eyes; "hehe there's the Braxton default setting, I'm a Cambion Kyle, I'm Half human half demon hence the reason I could flash into your cell and flash you to freedom and also why I was able to bring both Cal and Casey back from the dead" she paused and waited for what she had just said sink in, "What did you just say about bringing Casey back from the dead, that's not even possible, is it?" nodding she stood up and disappeared into one of the spare bedrooms before returning with a very sleepy Casey.... "Case is that really you?" Kyle spoke, his voice shakey at the sight of his very alive baby brother, "Of course it's me ya big goose who else is it gonna be huh,I thought you were in jail.... What they let you out on good behaviour?" Casey let out a chuckle, before yelling 'Get off me' to Kyle who currently had him in a headlock... Things never change.... "Um hello the Braxton break-out was down to me, you should've seen the look on Kyle's face when he woke up to me holding his duvet in the air... It was price-less" Dru giggled softly, she had once again successfully reunited two brothers... I guess 1 outta 3 brothers is better than none to be reunited with, smiling she left them in the lounge to catch up and climbed into bed.

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