Raising the Dead and a Little Hell

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Five Nights had passed since she had heard her mother speak to her.. Or whatever it was...Part of Dru believed it was her mother but part of her didn't seeing as she'd never actually met her, a small tear escaped her eye and ran down her cheek. There was one way she could be certain that it was her mother and that was to do a resurection of the dead spell,being the type of person she was Dru had looked deeply into this ritual and incantation and knew it's risks, the actual resurrection was temporary as in like 15 minutes tops and there's a high chance you get some evil entity instead... But hey this was Hell evil was like furniture around here.... Getting everything ready Dru started the process of ritual.

'Nam et qui dormierit in ea , in luto Videte vocationem surge et parentem mortalem Treck per ostium conveniunt iterum carnem ambulant.'

She waited,and waited and well waited some more....

'Quid fieri W W ubi sum?'
'et operatus est in actu worked..it ...'
'quid fecit ? Úbi sum?'
'O bene uhm es in Infernum , sed quod me paenitet , non novimus resurrect usquam tutum satis bene te.'
'Ressurect me ? O Yeah me..but occidit pater tuus iam memini me sentiens , non est cur non ego?.'
'Immo quid tibi est eam .. non in somnis , cum dixti mihi mala pro daemonum ludibria et taedebit me postulo . Volo scire quare.'
'Numquid locutus sum ad vos de Jay ? Drusilla, is est maximus.'
'Nemo non audierunt eum .. Non exigo satus curam im ... ... .. Non semel per paene iterum.!'
'wet non audierunt eum .. Non exigo satus curam im ... ... .. Non semel per paene iterum!'
'Quod si non est bonum ... praesertim Geminam audivit ab eo ...Dru vestri 'iens esse properandum mihi non multum temporis supererat ante finem erroribus metus abrbubtly...Ive ' .. si fit metuo successit Tullus Hostilius.'
'NO ! Mallem Mum sacrificet mihi quid faciam pro his ... ...'
'Haerent ones ordinem inferiorum daemonum, ... .. Sed Daemones non minus dimidio , et non sunt daemonium ...et fortis in ..de eo referre non filia Zepar iuncta maxime timens notari ... hoc ad commodum rapiunt...eos vocare , necesse est , cum daemonium summond.'
'Volo mum agens ..... ..'

(urgh whatever.... I should have realised the whole agreement to take Latin classes was a lie.... Fine.... Try and keep up...)

'For thou who sleeps in stone and clay, heed this call, rise up and obey, treck on through the Mortal door, assemble flesh and walk once more.'

She waited and waited and well waited some more....

'W what's happening, W where am I?'
'It worked..it actually worked... '
'What worked? where am I?'
'Oh uhm well you're in Hell, sorry about that but I didn't know anywhere else safe enough to well resurrect you.'
'Ressurect me? oh yeah I remember now Your father killed me..but I'm sensing that's not why I'm here is it?'
'No,no it's not.. it's to do with what you said in my dream,you said it was the demons responsible for my fears and delusions that I need to be weary of. I want to know why.'
'Have you spoken to Jay about what I told you? Dru it's important.'
'Not exactly no.. Nobody has heard from him...im starting to worry... I almost lost him once.. I won't go through that again!'
'That's not good... especially if his own twin hasn't heard from him... Dru you're going to have to hurry something tells me there isn't much time left before your delusions and fears end abrbubtly.. if that happens.. I'm afraid they've succeeded.'
'NO! i'd rather sacrifice my life in return for his... Mum what do I do...'
They're demons... lower ranking ones.. but demons non the less and you are half demon... and a strong one at that.. think about it your the daughter of Byleth not to mention your marked and mated to one of the most feared...use this to your advantage... summon them, a demon MUST come when summond.'
'I will, thanks.....mum.. '

Within minutes Dru was alone.... Or was she... The demon within her was stirring and boy was she pissed.

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