Halflings have feelings too!

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Days had passed since Arie had joined forces with Vetis to hunt down Alastor, who ironically is the cruel demon known mainly as the 'Executioner' well today will be HIS execution thought Arie to herself, turning to Vetis she spoke softly; "So how you getting on being in full control?" Vetis never answered verbally instead he gave her a short sharp shrug of his shoulder's, this both amused and annoyed Arie, " What's the matter Vetis, hellhound got ya tongue?" She smiled slightly awaiting his response but yet again he just shrugged her off, she was not letting this go, "There you go again.... Shrugging..... Stop shrugging 'Shrugger'. It's a very non-committal gesture." again he shrugged again, she looked him square in the eye, "Really?!" she laughed before carrying on ahead.

Hours later she came to a complete safe filled halt, for there in front of her was Alastor, the last asshole she needed to off in revenge of Xavier;
"Well well well, who do I have here... Alastor..... You too will pay for what you did!" her voice was low but still echoed enough to cause both Alastor and Vetis to look up and straight in her direction;
"I don't have time for this, get out of my way!" Alastor was clearly annoyed at Aries presence, plus the fact she had Vetis there as backup, he was in no mood to deal with this;
"I can't do that! " her response was angry and defiant, Alastor was growing less and less amused by the second which was clear in his venom filled words,
"Are you looking for a fight? Then you've got one!" no sooner had his attempt at a threat left his lips, Vetis chuckled in the darkness, clearly this Alastor guy had underestimated what Arie was in fact capable of,this would be fun to watch unfold,
"Do you know what it's like to be hunted with no good reason, the confusion, the fear,the rage when someone close to you is butchered. Do you have any idea what that feels like. Xavier never hurt anyone and you killed him just because you were told to, there's only one way to deal with your kind, kill them All." She didn't even give the demon in front of her a chance to blub or blah his way out, she lunged at him faster than she'd ever lunged before, and slammed her now clenched fist straight through his chest cavity, a few loud cracks filled the air followed by the thud of dead weight before the faint sound of a freshly removed beating heart danced around in the air, Arie turned to face Vetis, her hands and mouth bloody from both removing and snacking on the last person to hurt Xavier.
Silence once again filled the air around them as they started to walk away from the bloody scene, then suddenly Arie stopped dead in her tracks, upon closer inspection Vetis could see she was holding her head as if in pain, "I never wanted to hurt you, I just wanted to feel what you felt, to feel better. I guess I just wanted to feel less dead inside." He slowly moved closer after realising she was communicating out loud with her vessel and not him, something didn't seem right, Arie seemed just as upset and fragile as Dru, stepping closer  slowly he stopped when she turned to face him; "HalfLings have feelings too, no different to anyone else, why can't people focus on that for a change, why can't they see that we're not that different, why don't they understand how can something so obvious be so hard for them to see. What if I'm the only one who's aware of it." She sighed heavily and clearly exhausted before collapsing into his embrace, "I don't know, but I'm willing to help you figure it out" he said softly.

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