Beware the Succubus:Karaoke Warning Night pt1

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Dru was sat in the living area of the trap house, she was waiting for Sam to return from upstairs, after a few minutes he was back. "'I've been doing a bit of research into you and Arie, I hope that's OK" Dru nodded slightly ,"Sam that's fine, I'm kinda glad you did if I'm honest as it's part of the reason I asked to meet today.... As your probably now aware I'm a Cambion demon, basically my mother was human and my father is an Incubus demon... An incubus basically thrives on the sexual desires of women and trust me HE acts on it.... Hence the amount of siblings I have popping up.... Anyway it means that Arie is technically the female equivalent so a Succubus.... She seduces men... And she does it a lot.... Now the problem with that is... She is usually secluded within me as a permanent vessel, it's RARE she's out as her self like she is at the moment so it's harder for her to seduce and conquer because it means using my body for her personal pleasure.... Well I have a problem..... You see she currently has her sights firmly set on Colby.... And she is in the process of going in for the kill, and I'm sorry to say this but he has no clue what he's in for..... Besides he's my friend and it would seem super awkward if she goes in for the sexual aspect which I'm pretty sure is her intention..... I'm the one that will end up paying any consequences if you get my drift..... So I've arranged a karaoke night tonight for You, Colby, Arie and myself... I have just the song to use to TRY and warn him of her and her intentions... BUT she has a song too sway him to her.... So I'm gonna need your help too if thats OK? ". Sam nodded but didn't answer, he could see the worry and concern etched across her face... They agreed to meet at the karaoke bar for 9pm and take it from there.

'Arie, ARIE!  I know you can hear me.... We need to have a chat! " Dru called out impatiently to her Demon side.... "What about now Dru, the fact that I find one of your friends rather well... Do-able.... Is that the problem.....or is the problem.... You're worried I'll decide to still do him while residing within you.... Huh.... That's it... Isn't it? " Dru stood there momentarily speechless.... After a few seconds she spoke..... "I've organised a karaoke night... We're meeting Sam and Colby at the karaoke bar at 9pm please I'm begging you BEHAVE!" Arie never answered instead she sashayed out the room with both a roll of her eyes and a flip of the bird... Both in Dru's direction..... It was gonna be a long night.

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