Driver picks the setting, Shotgun shuts their cake hole.

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A week had past since Xavier had died and Arie still hadn't given control back to Dru, she wanted to but didn't think she was ready to be back in control just yet, not with everything that had happened,she'd be alone if Arie gave back control and right now she was in no fit state to be alone, so everyone would just have to deal with Arie and like it.
A small smirk slowly dances across her face at the fact that none of Dru's extended family had met her yet, and given the feeling she always got that majority of them don't actually like Dry they just say they do for Jays sake, although he himself has been awol for months so why can't she have a little bit of fun, she was in control for a reason, to put the ones that wilfully hurt her vessel in their places, to make them see that neither Dru or herself were a force to be reckoned with, laughing to herself  Arie took off in search of the people that Dru called family.

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