Demons Get Scared Too

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The day of Byleth and Xavier's reunion meeting was finally here and Dru couldn't help but be both excited and nervous... Extremely nervous to be exact ,I mean they've not had the smoothest of relationships in the past, that is why she was going to be there the entire time, just to be sure it goes smoothly.
Moments later and Dru had flashed to her fathers quarters just to make sure he was ready and not attempting to back out of his reunion with his son,  "Dad... Dad you here? " silence followed her question.. She was just about to yell again when he walked into the room, "Dru, sweetie what's with all the flustered yelling huh, you know I cant hear anything over that godforsaken shower" Dru looked at him in disbelief, "you mean you actually use it? " she stiffled a laugh awaiting his reply, "Oh you cheeky thing, of course I use it ,just because Im a demon doesn't mean I have to smell like a rotting sespit, besides I've got some new liquid soap in there that if you carry on with your lip you'll be tasting it when i wash your vulgar little mouth out" silence filled the room before Byleth roared with laughter at the look on his daughters face, "dad I'm sorry I was just checking you weren't backing out of today's meet up with Xavier, cuz you know you did promise you'd try and reconcile with him" Byleth
rolled his eyes "of course I'm not backing out, a deals a deal and I'm also a demon of my word, I said I'd meet him and I will" after a small nod of her head Dru flashed to Xavier's current place of residence.
Xavier didn't feel to sure about the day ahead, the last time he was in his fathers company he was tortured and banished to a depraved and forgotten part of hell to be forgotten about and to rot, so today was making him feel very uneasy. Sitting down in the lounge he sipped his lukewarm coffee his mind trailed off elsewhere, when he suddenly felt a presence letting him know he wasn't alone, "Dru you could just use the front door, it's not like I wouldn't let you in, you silly girl" Xavier looked up and smiled slightly at his sister standing in the doorway, "I'm guessing you've come to lead me to my demise with daddy dearest " he stiffled a chuckle noticing she was not amused by his remark. "No I've come to make sure you weren't thinking of backing out and to remind you that I'm going to be there too, so you aren't alone." Something about what Dru just said made Xavier look up,leaning in close to his sister he spoke in a low tone,"Dru,many never know what it's like to be desperately alone, to have no one, that is something WE share" her eyes widened at the sadness in her older brothers words, cupping his face she tried to reassure him the best way she could, "Xavier, it's OK now, we're not alone, you're not alone, not anymore, you have me I'll always be here for you and then there's your twin nephews Draven and Daemon, and hopefully soon you'll get to meet Jay and his twin Jazz and his wife Kate, and hopefully if today goes well you'll have dad too, I can't stand here and say in fully understand what you went through because I can't, OK I fully  understand the tortured to the inch of your life but I was lucky Jay saved me but to be banished like that I can't imagine what that did to you, but we're here now, so that's got to count for something right? There has to be a reason we found each other, please just relax and try and get through today. "
No sooner had she finished speaking Xavier had scooped her up into a giant hug, she had never felt so relieved since the day she was saved herself, looking into her older brother eyes she didn't have to say a word, he gave a slight nod of agreement and then they we're gone. 

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