A Voice from a Painful Beginning.

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Dru eventually fell asleep peacefully but that was soon to change..... A low voice spoke out in Latin tongue, and the words would haunt Dru for years to come....
"Et non laborabunt Dru..you vias Jay, vel familiaris tuae .... sed etiam facere ut homines acerba uideant in animo ...et videntes videbitis et non eris Vetis Jay vas est sponsus et tunc sunt pariter ut nuncium, et in fine sarong collateralis dampnum ...
Ego vos hortari ad Jay scriptor .... omnia per optimum .....Utinam spatiere servatus videre pulchra sis mulier fortis es in hac vita et gratias quum Thomas de ingressu ...Mum sume Cura ... .."

-urgh still not taking Latin lessons I see.... Useless humans... Here's your chance to play translation game... Again-

("Dru..you have cause to be weary.. but not of Jay,or your extended family or even of your father.... but the beings causing these horrors in your mind... you see they have a grudge against Vetis and seeing as Jay is his vessel and your fiance then you are being used as both a message, a warning and in the end collateral damage... I urge you to tell Jay everything.... it's for the best..... I wish I'd been spared to see you grow into the strong beautiful woman you are today and to thank Jay for coming into your life when he did..... take care... Mom... ")

With a sharp jolt Dru sat bolt upright and awake.

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