1 Drunk Voicemail Later.

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Ethan's plan for brotherly bonding had actually gone well, they'd visited places from their childhood and had lunch on a seaside pier, they we're now ending the day in a pub, Ethan knew it was a bad idea allowing Cal to pick the pub as he had managed to find one that offered £1 a pint Happy Hour... Happy Hour??  It had been Happy Hour for the past 4 and a half hours and was showing no sign I'm stopping, he knew he had to call it a night soon, preferably while Cal could still stand let alone walk, looking around for his brother he couldn't find him, "Oh Cal where the Hell have you got to now" he thought aloud... Rounding the corner of the bar he found his extremely drunk brother slouched up the corner singing into his phone.... Sliding in next to him he tapped him to get his attention... "Cal... Caleb what the hell are you doing?" He was trying so hard not to laugh at the startled look on his face... "Uhm, Nibbles, hiii, I'm singing... Duhhh" Ethan couldn't hold it in anymore and let out a laugh... "Singing... Really Cal is that what your calling it, because to me it sounded like a cat was being slowly tortured" he smiled watching his brother attempt to act hurt by his comment, "come on buddy lets get home, in think you've drank the pub dry for at least a week, give me your phone and I'll look after it till you sober up, come on" he slipped Cal's phone into his pocket and helped him up, boy it was going to be a long journey home at this rate, removing Cal's phone again from his pocket he rang for a taxi, after ending the call he noticed Cal's recent call history, he'd recently tang Dru, like very recently.... Uh oh this was not going to be good, returning the phone to his pocket he waited for the taxi to arrive.

Dru was woken by her phone beeping frantically at her, woah someone was intent on getting hold of her, unlocking her screen she looked at the notifications 3 text messages, one from Zander, one from some stupid PPI advert and one from Ethan... Hmm that was odd she thought, she also had 2 missed calls, one from a number she didn't recognise, and one from Cal, then she spotted the icon alerting her to a new voicemail, opening it she listened... It was from a very drunk Cal, smiling she continued to listen;

"Heeyy Dru, shhh I escaped from Nibbles, I I have something for you, shhh, listen.....

 I won't lie to you
I know he's just not right for you
And you can tell me if I'm off
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want
And you're spending all your time
In this wrong situation
And anytime you want it to stop

I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crying
When you should be with me instead
I know I can treat you better
Better than he cannnnnnn"

"Cal... Caleb what the hell are you doing?"
"Uhm, Nibbles, hiii, I'm singing... Duhhh"
Singing... Really Cal is that what your calling it, because to me it sounded like a cat was being slowly tortured"
Then the call ended...  Dru sat there stunned, she needed time to process what she'd just heard, her best friend had feelings for her.... Snapping out of her thoughtful trance she opened the text from Ethan...
"Hey Dru, just a heads up, Cal is extremely drunk and I noticed he tried to call you, if you answered then I guess you figured out from the giggling and slurred speech he's drank way to much, and if not well you do now,  hopefully well see you later"

Oh she knew alright, she quickly tapped a reply "Ethan, I'm fully aware of Cal's drunkenness he left me a voicemail, tell him I'll pop round later, give him time to sober up, layers"
Placing her phone on the table she headed to the bathroom to grab a shower, today was going to be a long and interesting day.

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