A Knight's Journey:The Next Step

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"Cal.... CALEB!!,what is taking you so long, we've got to go Now!" Ethan shouted upstairs to his big brother, it was the night of Cal's stag and as host Ethan wanted it to be perfect, he didn't ever think this day would come due to Cal being the ladies man and then dying... So the fact it was happening was special... "Nibbles relax,it's a few drinks with Casey, Kyle and Julian it'll be fine, Ethan.... What are you keeping from me??" Cal looked at his brother who was blatantly trying to keep schtum about something "Come on little brother, spill, you know secrets where never your strong point, what are you trying to keep from me, huh I mean it's not like anyone from work knows I'm back so tell me..." Cal was clearly getting frustrated, thinking quickly Ethan grabbed a bottle and playfully shoved Cal out the door "Caleb seriously give up, you'll have to wait and see won't you... Until then fancy risking alcohol poisoning with me?" with  a nod of approval from Cal they left.

Twenty minutes later they had arrived, before Cal had a chance to say anything he found himself ambushed and blind folded and steadily being led inside by Ethan.... "Guys... Guys.... I present to you... The Groom.... or at least Groom to be......" in one Swift movement he removed the blindfold from Cal's eyes and quickly ducked the incoming playful punch headed in his direction.... "Caleb... Cal... You look amazing for someone that died in front of me.." Cal looked up at the familiar face whose voice he'd just heard... "Charlie.. Long time no see stranger... Hopefully my stag will go a bit smoother than yours did... So basically no loosing the groom, no foreign criminals wanting to kill me and most definitely NO sheep..." Laughter filled the room, the guys he loved and looked up to were all here including new people that he also loved and looked up to and he was going to enjoy the evening one way or another.....

Ethan had organised an evening of drinking dancing and karaoke and after a very extended happy hour.. More like happy all night a very drunk Cal had gotten hold. Of the microphone and was attempting to sing along to sone song called 7 years.... Looking straight at Ethan and the rest of his stag party he continued singing in a very drunk, very emotional state... "Soon we'll be thirty years old

I'm still learning about life
My woman brought children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
Most of my boys are with me
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave behind
My brother I'm still sorry"

Ethan could feel the pain that clearly laced Cal's drunken singing as he sung the words... Yes he had left him behind when he died but now thanks to Dru he had come back and now he'd never be alone again, smiling slightly he moved quickly to help his very drunk and very giggly older brother off the stage and safely in his seat.... "I think our groom has had way too much to drink and really needs to return to the hotel and sleep this off, after all in under 12 hours he's getting married and I don't fancy explaining THIS to Dru, Charlie..seriously...you gave him MORE shots... Urgh...." Walking over to the table his brother and mentor were slouched he quickly removed the now empty shot glasses out the way, slipping his arm under Cal's he slowly helped his brother to stand... 'Cal, CALEB, come on you big lump, we need to get back so I need you to walk... That's it lean on me and put one foot in front of the other.... Caleb... Stop chatting up the cactus... Its a plant and an animate object... It's not interested in you... Urgh... Cal... Walk..." After a painful 25 minutes of stop starting they had finally arrived back at the hotel room, now came the dilemma of either getting Cal into bed or leaving him on the bathroom floor to sleep it off, Ethan smirked and decided to leave him on the bathroom floor and headed to bed himself.

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