3am Challenge with Sam ,Colby and Dru:

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Days had passed since Dru had promised Sam and Colby she'd rid them of te pesky demons they have lingering around their house....grabbing her stuff she got ready to go......but first she knew of One demon that may have had a hand in all of this...Philotanus....he was a known Ass Hole all through the Realms of Hell and beyond......Concentrating Dru started the Summoning,

'Ostende te et vocavi te Philotanus ... Now! '

'Hmm, non est quod satis vis parum halfling habentis numquid daemonium potest tamquam me: ???

'Urgh conatus secare misero ad crap et dulcia facit esse potes responde mihi et erit terminus vester exsistance questions..baring in animo, non satiata, si ego de tua responsa!'

'Fiesty meus es mihi in unum!' '

'Quid mihi et tibi abatu et misit Angra Mainyu quibus commoratus fuerat Sam terrendosque metu et Colby, huh, quod erat punctum, quod ?! "

Nihil Relaxat ... Ego got facere cum hauntings tui amici novi, et quod non exieris ad abatu et Angra Mainyu omnino perfide ...

Sic semper quid est quod eas non sunt iussu meo: ego auxiliatus sum tibi, sed invenietis illos, atque deleret.

'Eo denuntiatione deterret, et ite inde Volo autem dicere quam versant non ludens ad.

'Bene ergo halfling .. volo te fortuna.

O Halfling, ut unum aliquid scire te prius exeatis .... cave zozo daemonium Daemonis vires et quae in Quija Board

quod si eam habere preponens constiterit ego dico vobis nescio quomodo amici, diem diceret malus asinae ac bene se habeant si, ut dixi ...... Bene ,,, Fortuna Carmina agnus dei opus est! "

With a low growl and a smirk Philotanus was gone... Now it was time to summon Abatu and Angra Mainyu.

(Ohh look its Arie's favourite part, telling you mortals to take up Latin....Never Mind here comes the Infamous Translation Game....Keep Up Mortal)

Philotanus...I summon you....show yourself Now!'

'Hmm what does a pretty little Halfling want with a demon like me???'

'Urgh cut the pathetic attempt at being seductive crap and answer my questions. Baring in mind I can and will end your existence if I'm not satisfied with your answers!'

'My my you are a feisty one!"'

'Why have you sent Abatu and Angra Mainyu to haunt and terrorise Sam and Colby,huh what was the point of that?!"

'Relax... I've got nothing to do with the hauntings of your new friends, and as for Abatu and Angra Mainyu they've gone completely rogue... So whatever they are tormenting them with is not of my bidding, but I will help you find them and destroy them.'

'I'm going to summon them and then go from there I want to know what they think they are playing at.'

'Well then Halfling.. I wish you luck.'

Oh,Halfling, one more thing to let you know before you leave....Beware the Zozo demon also known as The Quija Board Demon

If I had to have a stab at it I'd say your friends have somehow managed to summon his nasty ass self and well if they have......as I said Good Luck,,,Ya gonna need it!"

(With a low growl and a smirk Philotanus was gone... Now it was time to summon Abatu and Angra Mainyu.)

Dru was confused, how the Hell would the boys have managed to summon ZoZo??? Millions of people have played with Quija Boards over centuries and ZoZo rarely bothered to appear so why now......urgh a trip to daddy dearest was gonna be in order yet again...but first she was going to banish Abatu and Angra Mainyu and try and find somewhere safe for the boys to stay....or a way to safe guard the house until she figured out how to get rid of ZoZo.....this was Bad, Very Very Bad and without Arie to help she wasn't 100% sure it could be done......with that in mind Dru Flashed to the Trap house.

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