I Did Warn You!

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The weeks since the kareoke and cosplay competition had flown by and now it was Christmas... Dru sat alone in her father's realm, Jay had collected the boys earlier and she got the feeling she wasn't welcome so she stayed behind, Byleth had gone somewhere and Xavier.... Well Xavier was dead.... So that left Dru completely alone.
After being curled up for a few hours hoping to be taken away by the darkness of sleep but sadly being left alone even by that entity, Dru decided she'd go out for a walk or something, grabbing her trusty crimson hoody she flashed out.
Walking down a cold derelict looking road Dru felt as tho she was being watched, crouching low she spun round to be greeted by.... Nothing.... What in the name of Lucifer was going on..... Shrugging off the feeling of unease she continued walking. Turning a corner a familiar smell filled her senses and Arie stired from within, there in front of her was a guy being rather mean and forceful with a female, the female in question was screaming at him, begging and pleading with him to let her go.... He however was both dominant, without hesitation Dru stepped out of the shadows of which she was standing, a low growl erupting from deep within her, "I'm pretty certain she asked you to let her go, did she not? " the young males face contorted into a sly even creepy grin, letting go of his original victim he lunged forward like a kid wanting cake, entangling his fingers around Dru's throat,slammimg her into a wall, this caused her to look up at him with a smirk painted firmly across her features, "ohh you wanna play forceful dominant male, I must warn you tho, the last fool that tried to forcefully take what wasn't offered or even his to take was uhm how do I say this, circumsized on the spot, it was fun but not pretty, you see he bled out right there in the dirty alleyway he called his domain.... So still wanna play?"the male paused for a second before deciding to continue his path to take what wasn't his, "OK then big boy but don't say I didn't warn you! " he stepped forward his jeans already unzipped to show that his member was ready and waiting for the action it was promised, to be thrust into that warm welcoming place it's master had chosen for it to play... His hands grabbed her tighter, bending her over he shoved her face into the wall, he was fast but she was faster, before he even knew what had happened she was stood behind him, shoving his gave into the wall she used her free hand to snake under him, taking his clearly excited member in her grasp she followed through with her warning of on the spot circumsision, the agonized screams of the male rang out, the warmth of the blood freely flowing from where his engorged member used to be awakend Arie within her, she grew restless and a tad bored upon him taking ages to die so in one swift movement she snapped his neck, dropping his life less, limp and bloodied corpse on the ground she left. 

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