Twins and Trouble Brewing

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Almost a week had passed since Arie had locked Dru down and taken full control and she knew that it was almost time to return to her rightful backseat place within her vessel, but there was one thing niggling at her, for the past few days there had been this voice calling out to her but she couldn't figure out who it was or why they we're calling; running her fingers threw her jet black hair Arie let out a sigh, she needed to know what it was and if it was a threat to her and Dru, grabbing her phone she headed out in hope that the cool morning air would help clear her head and awaken her senses, hopefully allowing her to figure this all out.

"Arie.. Arie.....Will you focus... Arie! It's important!" The voice was back and man did it sound both angry and familiar.... No.. It couldn't be... Could it..tapping into the connection she made herself known.. "Zander... is that you?" She wanted it to be him soon badly but it couldn't be he died a few months before they lost Xavier.... Byleth didn't even inform Dru that she had a twin and now she was hearing him... Things were getting weird and where about to get much weirder.
"Arie... Of course it's me, why would you ask that, I need to see you urgently, meet me at the abandoned church by the cemetary I'll explain it all then" before she had the chance to reply he'd severed the link, Arie wasn't sure if this was a trap but curiosity got the better of her and she flashed to their old meeting place and waited.

He could see her waiting outside, had she forgotten to enter, no... She was smart she deliberately stayed outside in case it was a trap, a small smile danced across the corner of his mouth and he flashed her inside.

"What.. no hug?Well that's just rude!" Zander stood in front of her awaiting her reaction.... "Z Zander... How is this possible... You were killed, I felt it, Dru doesn't even know about you, oh boy, im guessing something bad is happening hence for your immaculate resurrection". Zander could see the hurt in her eyes, it saddened him that Byleth had kept his existence a complete secret from Dru, he was after all her twin, born of the same human mother and incubus father, but he was also biologically tied to Arie the same as Xavier was before them. "Yes, something is coming, something big but I don't have a complete view of what exactly that is, just that it doesn't sound good, so I guess I need your help... In more ways than one." Arie nodded in agreement before embracing her very much alive brother in a tight hug.

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