Great Powers come with Immortality

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The house was empty, Byleth had the twins and Cal was out with Ethan, Dru quickly grabbed her trusty hoody and her mp3 player before heading into the bedroom to grab her bag, returning to the living room she grabbed a pen and some paper and quickly scribbled down a note explaining where she'd gone;

I've gone for a walk, I need to clear my head, I also need to check in with Zander for an update on things, I won't be gone all that long I promise, please don't worry everything is fine, I'll be back soon, I promise.
Love Dru x'

Leaving the note on the table she left.
It was dark outside with only the moonlight to guide her, she pushed her ear phones into her ears and continued walking, she could feel Arie storing deep within her, she could sense her frustration and annoyance at being locked in,not to mention she was hungry, sighing slightly Dru decided to communicate via mind link with the demon within her;

' Arie, ego paenitet, quam multi temporibus tu vis dicere?'

Silence briefly followed, before there was an answer,

' O vos paenitet, Paenitet me quod huh, ac me in tenebris et in fame pereo me. daemonibus inita iura meae?'

' Arie prohibere eum: tu scis quia amo, non eo quod omnia bene iustus got occupatus, et non pervenit obturbaret ac moraretur now.'

' Quam graves errores? Dru quid agatur et quid per insaniam commotum inconveniens quod accidit'

' Ego sentio amo ego defecit omnis Arie'

'Deficio, quo defecit?'

' Ego got tam Xaverius Angelus Femore
e Cassandrae Fidelis, et occidi, et tunc illic 'Cal.'

' Primum omnium, sciens Feminae Cassandrae Fidelis est, ubi ipsa auxiliatus exeatis periculum, vestrum erit flagitium, non fuisse Xaverium: pater tuus erat ad nuntium: non iterum. vestrum erit flagitium ac tum denique Caleb: quia vestrum est scriptor'

' Ego coniecto, sed adhuc cicatrice orta est meta et permanens monitus non habet. somnia et flashbacks dicam, plus ego feci vellem'

' Et reduxi eum, et in perpetuum potest addere, quod suus 'rara te fecit illum di immortales, nunc. vos postulo ut auxilium control se gerunt et potestatibus suis.'

' Potestates? Arie quod potentiae?'

' Dru, is, omni develops vires di immortales, ut sibi auxilium te et auxiliatus sum tibi, sed Primum, opus ad vescendum.'
' OK, te potest pascere, ut crudelem occisio et aedificare. facultates tuas et haec loqueris mihi proveniet ad Calebs'

(Urgh, seriously, you puney mortals STILL haven't bothered to learn Latin? Fine here's the translation game... Again)

' Arie, I'm sorry, how many times do you want me to say it? '

' Oh, you're sorry, sorry for what huh, leaving me in the dark or for starving me. of my demonic rights? '

' Arie stop it, you know it wasn't like that, everything just got well busy, and then it got confusing and now... I don't know'

' Confusing how? Dru what's going on, the feelings and emotions raging through you don't seem right, what's happened?'

' I feel like I failed everyone Arie'

' Failed, failed how?'

' I got both Xavier and the Angel Cassandra killed, and then there's Cal'

' First of all, Cassandra knew the risk when she helped you leave, not your fault, Xavier was a message to your father, again not. your fault, and well Caleb's fine, because of you he's alive.'

I guess, but he still has the scar as a permanent reminder not to. mention the nightmares and flashbacks, I just wish I could've done more'

' You brought him back, permanently may I add, that's rare, you made him immortal, now you need to help him harbour and control his powers.'

' Powers? Arie, What powers?'

' Dru, EVERY immortal develops powers, I'll help you to help him, but first, I need to feed.'

' OK, one merciless killing so you can feed and build your strength and then you talk me through these powers Celebs going to develop'.

Arie never answered, typical, she was one stubborn demon, keeping her end of the deal Dru went in search of some low life scum that nobody would miss, minutes later a blood curdling scream filled the air followed by a heavy thud, Dru stepped over the now heartless corpse,in her right hand was his still beating heart, in one quick movement she devoured the organ, instantly satisfying the demon within, now it was time to find out about these immortal powers she had unknowingly bestowed on her old friend and new lover.


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