Something Evil this way Comes.

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After the recent events in Dru's life as well as the late nights being up with the twins Drü was exhausted, looking at the clock she noted it was 22.38,she decided it was a good time to go to bed the boys were fed and fast asleep and Jay was off doing Hell's work somewhere,after a quick change and a warm drink Drü crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep. Hours passed and Dru started dreaming or at least she hoped she was dreaming;she was in the lounge and she could clearly see Jay and what looked like a 2 year old Daemon,well that was normal enough but then she spotted another person he had to be about early twenties and had a very angry and clearly evil look about him, something wasn't right, she got closer and listened in; "What are you doing huh, you don't have any powers now"
the young man was clearly talking to Jay but what did Jay's powers have to do with this....
"You're right I dont"
"so what are you going to do huh, take away my car keys?! "
"I'm not going to do anything Daemon you're going to stop yourself "
"Ha that's what I loved about you dad your optimism,but you won't make me change back"
"I don't need to, I know you, I'm your father and I know you still have some good left in your heart half demon or not"
"Give it up dad now you just sound pathetic"
"I believe in you and that won't ever change, I know its hard and confusing at times, I've been there don't believe me ask your uncle Jazz or your uncle JayJay they'll tell you"
"DAD seriously I don't want to hurt you but if you get in my way I will!"
"I don't believe that"
Jay crouched down next to 2 year old Damon "Hey little buddy do you mind if daddy comes over there for a second? "
"Get away from him NOW or I swear I will kill you!"
"I don't think you will"
"I told you to stay away"
"I was there when you were born Daemon you and Draven, I gave up my powers for you, I tried to change the world for you and I would do it again in a heartbeat, you know why? because I'm your father! "
"You wanna kill me go ahead I've gave up my life for you before"
Older eviler Daemon was close to tears but continued his tyrant with Jay;
"Dad please"
"Look Daemon I love you,do you understand what that means? "
With that said Jay turned back to 2 year old Daemon who was gripping his little cuddly dinosaur tightly; " Hey buddy, can I see Mr Raa Raa just for a second I promise I'll give him back to you, you can trust me" no sooner had little Daemon handed over Mr Raa Raa to Jay the lounge flashed bright with a mixture of reds and gold light and suddenly Drü noticed that older Daemon no longer looked angry or evil and she could tell Jay sensed that too; "Dad, wh what happend,what did you do"
"shh it's over your OK, they can't get you now,plus I'm no longer powerless"
"I'm sorry dad I'm sorry" with that older Daemon vanished and Drü woke up dazed confused and worried as hell, she needed to find Jay, she needed to some how figure this out she needed to protect her son.

The Death Of Humanity: So the Future Begins Where stories live. Discover now