Playing The Hosting Game:3am Challange (goes wrong)

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It had been two lovely months since Dru had married Cal and it had flown by, Arie and her whereabouts were still unknown and that worried Dru very much but her siblings had been there to reassure her that Arie would be found.
Two months is a long time to do nothing.. Well except watch endless Youtube vidoes... And gosh had she watched a tonne....there was Two youtubers in particular that had spiked Dru's interest.... They were Sam Golbach and Colby Brock.... They had a fascination with Exploring possible haunted Bandos and Messing with the occult playing 3am games/challenges or playing with Ouija boards... Dru decided it was time to have a bit of fun of her own.... Seeing as she is half demon..... Why not give the boys what they have tried sooo hard to summon...... With a slight giggle she'd vaished.

-Flash Forward Sam's room-

"What's up Guys!, today I got the crew back..... I got my room mates Corey and Colby,Coreys girlfriend Devyn and Katrina my girlfriend,guess what.... Were doing Another scary game..... This one is called The Hosting Game... We get to host a party, it's fun, we don't have to write our names on paper or prick our fingers, there's other people around and we have a cool party isn't that fantastic?" Yeah but Sam what's the Catch, said Corey quickly.....
Well uhm yeah... The guests were inviting are uhm Ghosts....... But hey were still having a party AND its only for 1 HOUR so nothing like the midnight game..... WTF DUDE why do we keep doin this why do we keep summoning ghosts and demons and shiz into our house? Corey once again piped up...... Shrugging Sam continued, It's a party guys it'll be fun, besides it's for two reasons 1) my room is currently the most haunted room in the entire house and 2) Elton is bringing in a Priest tomorow to burn sage and basically cleanse the whole enitre house, so if there was any bad spirits or enterties it'll only be for one day.... Anyway let me explain what we are going to do.... "Why is the website saying The Most Dangerous Games?!" Kat suddenly asked.. Sam never answered he just continued to read out the rules....

(You will need the following items for this spell:

A small, dark, empty room in your house (your "hosting room"). Ideally this chamber should have no windows; if, however, you do not have such a room available to you, a room with windows may be used provided that said windows may be completely covered up. No outside light ought to be visible from within the room. A writing paper and implement. A clock, watch, or other analog timekeeping device. Do NOT use a cell phone, digital watch, or other electronic device. 3 matches. 1 principal.

Casting Instructions for 'THe Hosting Game'

The Invitation:
1. Begin at night. Keep your timekeeping apparatus and the matches on your person at all times.
2. Turn of all possible sources of noise in your dwelling. This includes telephones, televisions, computers, alarms, etc.. Be thorough. If your hosting room requires it, then draw the curtains or block the windows so that no light could be viewed from within the room.
3. Enter your hosting space and turn on the light. If the room includes no lamps or overhead lighting, use a flashlight, lantern, lit candle, or other portable light source. Candles, although correct concerning atmosphere, may pose a fire hazard, so proceed with caution.
4. Place your writing implement and piece of paper on your hosting room.
5. Leaving the light source, depart your hosting space. Proceed to the furthest point in your house from the area and call, "I'll be ready soon!" Move from room to room of your house, repeating this phrase in each room, moving closer to your hosting space with every call.
6. When you arrive back in your hosting room, use the writing implement to write the next message on the piece of paper: "You're invited! A gathering, hosted by [Your Name]. Takes place from [the present time] to [an hour from the current time]. Bring friends and family!"
7. Put the piece of paper in the center of the hosting room.
8. Stand in the door of the hosting room facing into the room and telephone, "I'm ready! Come in!"
The Gathering:
1. Switch off the light and turn around. The open door to the hosting space should be at your back: you ought to be facing the shadow of your dwelling. Take out your three matches.
2. After a few moments of silence, begin counting out loud, starting at one and ending at 10. Do not look back.
3. When you get to the count of 10, strike the first match.If the first game lights on the first attack: Hold it as it burns and greet your guests by saying, "I'm so glad to see you! Thank you for coming!" Hold the match until it burns down as low as you can bear.
If the match doesn't light on the first strike:
Drop it and immediately proceed to the next step.)

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