Coffee Costs How Much?!

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Looking across the table Dru counted silently to herself, whoa had they really drank 48 large coffees between them? Shifting in her seat she waited for Cal to return from paying for the monster caffeine binge, five minutes passed and a smug looking Cal appeared, he swiftly grabbed her by the wrist and started running, after what seemed to have been about 10 blocks they we're finally out of view from the coffee shop, catching her breath Dru looked him square in the eye's; 'Cal what the hell, why did you make me run like a complete idiot?' he couldn't keep a straight face looking at her so pulled her into a close embrace, resting his chin on her head he chuckled slightly, “well basically the coffee bill was £42.50 and well I wasn't paying £42.50 for coffee so I skipped the bill and we ran" her head snapped up so fast she literally chinned him, "Caleb Knight it was that price for a reason... We drank 48 LARGE coffees not to mention the two baguettes and giant cookie we ate also you dufus!" She couldn't help but break into a giggle fit at today's escapades, besides it had been years since they'd ran out on a bill, except last time Cal's little brother Ethan was with us and well yup he paid.. If this mornings antics were anything to go by the next 32 or so hours we're going to be a blast, granted a caffeine fuelled blur but still a blast.

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