I Didnt Miss The Lectures

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Morning broke and everyone was still asleep, everyone except Dru, she felt that she should leave  Cal and Ethan to catch up, grabbing a pen and a scrap of paper she scribbled a short note so as not to worry either of them..

'Be back later on, decided to give you guys some space to catch up, have fun Dru'

Placing the note in a place she knew Cal would see it she grabbed her goody and her bag and left quietly.

Couple hours passed and Cal got up, heading straight to the kitchen he started to get coffee ready, spotting Dru's note he smiled before putting her mug back on the rack, turning round he spoke softly "looks like it's just the two of us today Nibbles" Ethan was about to protest at the embarrassing nickname Cal had bestowed on him since they we're kids when the realisation hit him, he'd missed his brother and the annoying nickname these past few weeks so decided to keep quiet and enjoy it, nodding instead he spoke up "oh and why's that Cal? Don't tell me you made one of your famous moves on her and she bolted?" He chuckled slightly before spotting the look on Cal's face, "Cal.. Seriously... What happend? " rubbing his hand over his face Cal sighed heavily before answering, "Nothing happend Nibbles, we hung out, we danced and we kissed, well uhm I kissed her, but she's with someone, I just want her to be happy and in don't think she is... " his voice trailed off "No, don't you dare do this Cal, urgh you always do this.... You always have a habit of wanting something or someone you can't have, as you said she's with someone" there was that tone in Ethan's voice, yeah he missed his brother but he sure as hell didn't miss that, "Do what Ethan? All I'm doing is being a friend, butnim telling you she's unhappy, her partner has been AWOL for months not a word from him at all, so yeah excuse me for thinking... No sorry scrap that... KNOWING.... I could and would treat her better, is that really so bad Nibbles?" He could see in his big brothers eyes that this was different to anything he'd felt before for anyone, he also knew that he would treat her right, but that wasn't the point, she wasn't single she was with someone, they had to remain friends for both their sakes, it also hit him that in the time he'd spent with Cal and Dru last night that the feelings Cal's having may very well be mutual, he needed to keep an eye on them, hugging Cal tight he started making plans for a day full of fun and brotherly bonding.

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