The Search is On!

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Days had passed since she temporarily raised her mother from the dead and still no one had heard from Jay,and her delusion and fear filled nightmares had started to slow down just as her mother had predicted they would,in the days that had passed Drü had attempted summoning Jay but got nowhere which was odd,she knew that she should tell both her father and Jazz what was going on but she quickly pushed that thought to the back of her mind... for now anyway,this was something she had to do.. Alone...
Standing alone in the centre of her room Drü set about summoning the demons in question...she thought she'd start with Philotanus first.

'Philotanus ... .... Ego vocare te et ostendam tibi,'
'Hmm , non satis quid daemoni similes minimis Halfling volo a ???'
'Urgh interficiam in flebilis adfectatio ut seductores , et crap questions..baring in corde meo, non possum , et finis est exsistance si non contentus cum responsio vestra'
'Unus es meus fiesty mea video quid velit Vetis vobis'
'quare misisti Balban Agramon et post me et te quid est hoc quod fecisti cum Jay scumbag?!'
'... Tua non sum operata Relaxat feminam Agramon Et abiit et omnino Balban perfide agunt ... Quid tibi non cruciant quando iussus et erit manus mea tecum et invenienti delebo eos.'
'Ego , deinde vocare inde scire putant canunt.'
'Bene ergo Halfling .. velim fortuna.'

With a low growl and a smirk Philotanus was gone... Time to summon Balban and Agramon now.

(Enough with the lies of taking Latin classes you have no intention of it... Do you... No.. You love the translation game wayyyy to much.... So here you go... Keep up)

'Philotanus...I summon yourself Now!'
'Hmm what does a pretty little halfling want with a demon like me???'
'Urgh cut the pathetic attempt at being seductive crap and answer my questions..baring in mind I can and will end your exsistance if I'm not satisfied with your answers!'
'My my you are a fiesty one, I can see what Vetis likes about you,'
'Why have you sent Balban and Agramon after me and what have you done with Jay you scumbag?!'
'Relax... I've done nothing with your mate, and as for Agramon and Balban they've gone completely rogue... So what ever they are tormenting you with is not of my bidding, but I will help you find them and destroy them.'
'I'm going to summon them and then go from there I want to know what they think they are playing at.'
'Well then halfling.. I wish you luck.'

With a low growl and a smirk Philotanus was gone... Time to summon Balban and Agramon now.

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