Chapter 10

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Karoline POV

Madison had just proposed that I stay with her and Demi instead of moving all the way back to stay with Audrey. I loved the idea, and I really wanted to, but I was afraid I might be a burden on Demi. I thought I would be less of a burden on Audrey's family because I'd be paying for my own stuff, plus paying lots of rent and honestly the money would have helped them a lot, but Demi was a pop star, she already had a bunch of money, and I didn't have anything else to offer to lessen the burden. I was deep in thought when I looked up and saw Demi sitting on the other couch in the room, looking at me weirdly.

"How long have you been staring at me like that," I asked laughing.

Ignoring my question she said, "Karoline, I was wondering if you would like to stay with me in my apartment instead of moving in with Audrey? I understand if you don't want to, it's just that I'm going to miss you so much if you move away," giving me an adorable pout.

"I honestly would love to, but wouldn't I be a huge burden on you," I asked looking at the floor.

Demi and Maddie both looked shocked and confused at my question, "How on earth would you be a burden on me?"

"I'm a mess. I just cry all the time and make you upset and you have more important things to do than take care of me," I finished.

"Karoline, there is so much wrong with that sentence. You aren't a mess up. You may seem like a mess now, but that's not your fault. You're going through a lot right now and normally if I get upset, it's not because of you, but because of what you have been through, and the one time I actually got upset with you, was only a big misunderstanding. There are only a few things more important to me than you. You're pretty much like a little sister to me. My schedule may be busy, but I think I can handle it. Plus, Maddie's going to be staying here a bit longer than planned, so you two can keep each other company when I'm gone," she finished talking and I was so happy I was in tears, I had no idea someone cared about me that much.

I decided to accept the offer, "Okay, I'm staying here!"

"Yay," Demi and Maddie both yelled at the same time, and Maddie jumped up, "Come on Karoline we need to set up our bedroom!" I followed her to her room and we sat on the floor deciding how we wanted to set up our bedroom. We decided to get a bunk bed, and then split the huge walk-in closet in half. We both wanted to paint the walls a pastel blue and the ceiling black. I wanted a sort of galaxy thing with the ceiling and I knew how to do it too: over the galaxy thing, we needed to get those plastic glow in the dark stars for the ceiling. Demi took care of cancelling the flight and making sure they didn't ship my things. The next day we were going to go shopping get the paint and the furniture. Demi called us down for dinner and I groaned internally. I walked to the kitchen and tried my best to ignore my demons because I wanted to get better for Demi.

"What are we having for dinner," I asked.

"Something healthy, we are having casserole. It had a lot of veggies and then some baked onion rings. It is really good," she smiled.

"I really like it when she cooks it. She can't cook very well, so this is rare," Maddie laughed. Demi laughed along with her. I was just smiling awkwardly. We were eating at the bar and I started feeling light headed. It was basically an anxiety attack. I ran upstairs into the bathroom. I already threw away my blades. I looked around and I felt like the walls were closing in on me. I sat down on the floor and started crying. I felt someone grab me into a big hug and it was Demi.

"What's wrong baby girl," she asked trying to sooth me.

"I c-can't do it. I can't-t eat, don't make me," I begged.

"Okay, how about this. We will eat something we know you like. What is your favorite thing to eat," she asked.

"I don't know, I really don't," I started sobbing.

"Okay, how about, we have a sandwich," she proposed.

I said, "I will try." I could at least try. I followed Demi back downstairs and the bar was empty. I guess Maddie knew what was going on. We went into the kitchen and made the simplest sandwich of all. PB&J, we sat down once again to eat. I drank a bit of water, and then the war started.

Don't eat it, no one loves you anyways, if you get fat, nobody will be able to tolerate you.

I looked down at my food. I can just throw it up later. I went on eating my sandwich, slowly, but I was eating it. I could already tell I was packing on the weight. I looked up and Demi was looking at me like she saw a ghost.

"What, I'm eating aren't I," I asked.

"Yeah, you are," she looked back down. I finished and walked into the bathroom. I felt someone come behind my back and hug me.

"Where do you think you're going," I heard Demi ask me.

"I am going into the bathroom," I faked a laugh.

"Um, I don't think so; you're watching a movie with Maddie in your room. She is to keep an eye on you while I am gone. I have to work until eleven. I was supposed to go in earlier, but I didn't," she said.

"Okay, I am going to promise you, I will try my hardest not to purge while you are gone," I smiled.

"Good, okay go upstairs and you and Maddie are going to watch a movie," she told me. I walked into our room and she was sitting on the floor.

"What do you want to watch," she asked patting the floor next to her.

"Umm it doesn't matter, what do you want to watch," I asked.

"How about the Fab Five: Texas Cheerleading Scandal," she asked.

"Yeah, I have never watched it," I said. About five minutes into the movie I got a blanket and let the darkness of sleep consume me.

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