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                I woke up and was really tired, Demi has 5 days before she goes on tour and it is super busy here. She has kept her promise so far and was really good about being here as much as possible. We went to get Sunshine from Demi’s mom (I forgot the dog’s name, and for anyone who was wondering I secretly forgot about her, and then remembered and put her with Dianna, oopss :/), but Dianna had a lot going on so gave Sunshine to another family member, we are going this afternoon to get a new dog. (I won’t forget this time ;)) I want a Shitzu, mom does to, but we will see what we can find. Demi got me up and opened my curtains; she has done this every day.  I think it is cute; I got my hair in a messy bun, and put on skinny jeans, and a plain oversized white cardigan, with my Uggs. I got my purse and keys and went downstairs.

“Hey baby girl,” Demi said once I was downstairs.

“Hey mom, did you fix anything, or can I stop by Starbucks and get a coffee,” I asked.

“I made pancakes,” she smiled.

“Besides, drink orange juice or tea instead,” Demi informed me.

“Why,” I laughed.

“Because, I don’t know, I think it might be healthier or something,” Demi giggled.

“Okay, good for you for knowing the facts,” I said sarcastically. I quickly ate and said goodbye and made my way to school.

I got out and walked over to Leeliah.

“How was the trip with your mom? Haven’t really talked to you all weekend,” Leeliah said.

“It was good. We really bonded, she promised to be a better mom, I am going to try and be a better daughter. Where is everyone,” I asked.

“In morning detention, they were caught skipping, I had my favorite class, so I didn’t, but they did and now have all this week morning detention,” she laughed.

“They are stupid,” I said.

“Yeah, why are you late,” she asked.

“I am going to start eating breakfast at home, so I might be this “late” every day,” I said putting air quotes around late. I was 20 minutes early.

“Okay, you want to go to the library, I didn’t finish my homework,” she asked.

“Yeah, I am going to the bathroom first, I need to pee,” I laughed.

“I didn’t need to know that, but okay. Meet me there,” she asked.

“Yeah, see you in a few,” I laughed. I went to the nearest bathroom; I really needed to use the bathroom. I went in and sat my bag down. I washed my hands, I have no idea why. I hadn’t used the bathroom yet. I shut the water off and dried my hands. I heard someone crying, I didn’t want to interfere, but I didn’t want to leave her there either.

“Hello,” I asked. I heard the stall being unlocked and then someone I didn’t expect to be coming out did, it was Shay.

“Shay, what’s wrong,” I asked.

“Nothing, I am fine,” she tried to convince me.

“No, you look here, you are not, you were crying,” I said.

“No, Karoline, you wouldn’t understand,” she said.

“Look at me, I will you don’t know how much I have been through, I can understand, I will try and understand,” I said.

“She sat on the counter and I walked in front of her, “my mom and dad are getting a divorce. I found out this morning, I have to live with my dad and he is throwing my mom out to the street. I can see why, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t find her a rehab or something,” she said.

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