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Karoline POV

“I don’t know where to go,” I said. They never showed me where to go. That was pretty bad.

“Okay, so you go here and get a plate. It is kinda like a mini buffet. It is cool, I guess. You get what you want and then you pick a place to sit. Usually we keep in our separate groups, but sometimes we interact,” he said.

“Okay, where do I sit,” I asked.

“Anywhere,” he said.

“Can I sit with you,” I asked.

“Yeah, most of my group is made up of new people,” he said.

“That is cool that people accept people like that,” I said.

“You say cool a lot,” he laughed. I felt my face turn a bright red color. I didn’t know what else to say. I felt kind of awkward.

“Yeah, I guess I do,” I said. We finished our lunch, it was pretty fun. I went out of my comfort zone and met some really cool people. I got to know Blake better. He was a really cool guy. It was a definite yes that I liked him. He was so sweet, but real, and not cheesy. We wanted to hang out more later, so at 9 when we had time we decided to meet at the pond we were at earlier. 

I was so anxious to meet him.


“Hey, can I tell you anything,” I asked.

“Okay,” he said.

“I know this might sound weird,” I said.

“Okay,” he said.

“IsortoflikeyoubutIdontknowifyoulikemeandIdon’twanttoruinourfriendshipbecuaseyouarethefirstfriendIhavehadinalongtime,” I said really fast.

“Okay, I got half of that,” he laughed. I love his laugh.

“What did you get,” I asked.

“Something about ruining our relationship,” he laughed.

“Yeah, something like that,” I said.

“You know you can tell me anything,” he questioned me.

“Yeah I know, it is just,” I took a deep breath.

“Yeah,” he said.

“I like you,” I said.

“I like you too,” he said.

“No, I like-like you,” I said.

“Oh,” he said. He looked like I just ripped his heart out and ran with it. I got up, I felt like I was going to cry and I hated crying, especially in front of other people. I ran into my room and my roommate was there. She looked at me like I was some kind of crazy person.

“What, never seen anyone cry,” I snapped.

“No, but why,” she asked.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said. I walked out with a jacket, I wanted to cut or do something. I just ran and ran and ran. I felt someone grab my hand. It was Blake. I wiped my eyes with my other hand.

“What’s wrong,” he asked.

“Where you not there, I was humiliated,” I said.

“No, you didn’t let me finish,” he said.

“Okay finish,” I said.

“I was trying to say that every time I get involved with someone like that they break my heart. That is part of the reason that I am here. They would take advantage of me and then run away. I started to think I was too fat, and then I started taking out my feeling on myself,” he said.

“I wouldn’t do that. I have been through the same thing sort of. I can’t believe you think i'd do that,” I said.

“I have trust issues,” he said.

“Well you trust me don’t you,” he said.

“Of course,” he said.

“Then trust me,” I said. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. He kissed back. It was it was magical. It was my first kiss and he engulfed me in a huge hug. I squealed in excitement and then a bell rung. That meant ten minutes till bedtime. I kissed him on the cheek and then went into my room skipping. I was overflowing with happiness.

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