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Karoline POV

I woke up the next morning and immeadialty felt stressed. I didn’t know when I was going to tell Demi I relapsed. What would she do? Would she send me to rehab? Therapy? I don’t want to go to any of them. Maybe, I wouldn’t tell her. They weren’t too deep, but deeper than they had been before. They would take 2 weeks at least to heal. It was colder weather, so maybe Demi won’t notice, maybe I should just casually wear short sleeves and if she noticed, then she noticed. I got a notepad and wrote it out


1.)    Just tell Demi

2.)    Don’t tell Demi and hide it

3.)    Be casual and wear long sleeve shirts

4.)    Wear shorts sleeves and sees if she notices

5.)    Text her

6.)    Tell someone else to tell her

7.)    Send her a picture of your cuts.

I soon went through the options. Not 7 that might be triggering. Not 5 or 6, that stupid and insensitive. Not 2 it will be awkward and I giggle when I try and hide things. 3 would be the same thing. My list was now narrowed down.


1.) Just tell Demi

2.) Don’t tell Demi and hide it

3.) Wear shorts sleeves and sees if she notices

I was a coward, so 4 it was. I scratched off 1 and then put my notebook back on the shelf. I changed my shirt and went downstairs.

“Hey, mom” I said.

“Whats up,” I asked.

“Letting your sister get some tummy time,” she said.

“How long am I grounded for again,” I asked.

“You got about a month left,” Demi said.

“Ughh,” I groaned.

“Mm, that is what you get when you run away from me,” Demi smirked.

“Okay, if I get grounded for a month for running away, what will happen when I do something worse,” I acted scared.

“Don’t get in trouble and you won’t have to find out,” Demi started laughing. I went and laid down by Sky.

“Good, you two never get in any sister-sister bonding, I thought you hated her,” Demi said.

“That was so subtle,” I said.

“Anyways, can you bring her here,” Demi asked.

“Sure,” I picked her up and she was so tiny, she still is so tiny. I gave her to Demi and ran up to my room. I was bored, so I ran outback and jumped on the trampoline. She still didn’t notice, I guessed that was a good thing no that is a good thing. I laid back and just stared at the sky.

I sighed really loud and then got up.

“What can I do with a two story house and a backyard with a pool and a trampoline,” I said with a really high voice. I started flipping on the trampoline again; it was too cold to get into the pool. I sat on the grass and meditated and then got up. I looked at the clock we had outside and then decided two hours was enough outside time.

I went inside and sat on the couch.

“I am really bored, can we go out to dinner,” I asked.

“Yeah, sure. This is not how grounded people should be treated, but since I am the best mom in the world, I guess,” she started laughing and then we all got ready.

We went to some Mexican restraunt and had really good mother-daughter-sister bonding time. She still hadn’t noticed. This was getting to be like a game to me and it was really hard not to laugh when she looked right over them, quite frankly, shouldn’t the paps have noticed that stuff. I could see it now ‘Another little Demi Lovato, her Daughter cutting, just like demi’.  That might be a really long title, but I could see it on the front of every magazine.

“Karoline,” I heard Demi call.

“What,” I said snapping out of my thoughts.

“You were totally out of it,” she laughed.

“Yeah, I was thinking,” I smiled.

“That’s good,” she said.

“What about,” she continued.

“Multi-media,” I said.

“Don’t worry about them, they are douches and they have nothing better to do, then worry about us,” she laughed.

“Yeah, but they don’t care about me, but when I am with you they are like, how’s demi, did demi lapse, is she a lesbian,” I said. I laughed at that last one.

“Haha very funny, I am sure I totally am sleeping with girls every night,” she said and I started laughing really loud and people starting staring. "Oh lord, I brought attention to myself" she said and then BAM! a fan walked up to Demi.

“Hi sweetie what’s your name,” Demi asked.

“Alyssa,” she said. She looked at me like I was the most disgusting thing ever.

“Hi to you too,” I said under my breath. I felt Demi kick me.

“Here you go,” Demi said, handing her, her notebook.

“Thank you for saving me,” Alyssa said and walked off.

“Why did you say that,” Demi asked.

“She looked at me like I was gum on the bottom of her shoe,” I said.

“I am sorry, they get jealous,” she said.

“Haha, it’s not like I picked you,” I started laughing.

“Yeah you did, now your stuck with me, are you ready,” she asked.

“Yeah, I guess. I get to go back home and be bored and then jump on the trampoline and then get bored again and then get on facebook, oh wait no, I get to get bored again because I am grounded,” I sighed.

“If you say bored one more time,” she said.

“Bored,” I said getting up.

“I’m gonna get you for that,” she said giggling. I just walked to the front and grabbed a mint. The lady looked at me and then shrugged her shoulders.

“Alright lets go,” Demi said after paying. We finally got to the car after fighting through paparazzi. Then they surrounded the car.

“Come, on. Why do you do this, you probably got a hundred pictures of me. Go harass someone else,” Demi said acting like they could hear her. Sky starting fussing, so I climbed in the middle of the two seats in the front and went back there, she hated paps, they made her fussy.

“Mom, honk or something,” I said.

“Okay,” she did, they finally let out a path after thirty minutes of siting there. We stopped and I safely got out of the car and went into the front seat.

“Here,” she said, handing me my phone.

“Why,” I asked.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to ground you,” she said. I turned it on and it looked like she charged it. I immeadialty started to get on twitter.

Demi POV

I decided to give Karoline her phone back because I was not that cold hearted and she had nothing else to do. She turned on the phone and I just kept my eyes on the road, because it was really dark. I got to a red light and looked down and that’s when I saw it. The cuts on her writs.

“What’s that on your writs,” I asked. She looked at me like she had seen a ghost or something.

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