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The doctor walked out of the hospital room where Karoline was at.

“What is wrong with her,” I asked.

“She has COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,” he said.

“Mind explaining what that is,” I asked.

“It makes it hard to breath and causes lack of breath. Very treatable, but left untreated is deadly because it’s progressive,” he explained.

“Okay, when can I get her on the medication,” I asked.

“Now, we will bring it to her and then she will need it every day,” he said.

“Okay, when can we go,” I asked. I am tired of the hospital.

“Now, after we get her medicine,” he said.

“Okay, thanks,” I smiled.

“Hey Baby,” I smiled. She was just lying there.

“I am tired of having needles in my arm,” she said.

“I don’t want to see you like this either,” I said.

“Do you know what’s wrong with me,” she asked.

“A lung disease,” I said.

“Congrats for being subtle mom,” she laughed. The doctor walked in.

“Okay, so you need to take this and keep an inhaler on you and one in your office,” he said.

“Okay, now can I go,” she begged. I knew she hated hospitals.

“Yes, when you mom signs the release forms,” he said. I got up to go and get the while nurses came in. I filled out the papers and we went home.

“Baby, I am sorry you have to go through this,” I said.

“It could be worse,” she smiled.

“Yeah I know,” I smiled.

“I am going to get your inhalers and then we will rest for the day, sound good,” I asked.

“I guess,” she said. I went downstairs to tell everyone I was going. I wonder if we should still go to Dubai.

Karoline POV

There is always something wrong with me. First mental problems and now this, I try to keep my mind off it for a while until Demi gets back. I heard my demons practically calling me to the bathroom. I got up and went to look at myself in the mirror. There were tears in my eyes, I put my hair in a bun and put on some sweats.

“I am going out,” I said walking out the door. I probably shouldn’t go out without my inhaler, but I needed to distract myself. I walked out and started walking.

I started coughing and knew that it wasn’t good.

“Dianna I need you to come pick me up please,” I asked.

“Baby, where are you,” she called through the phone.

“A couple of blocks down the road,” I said.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” she said. I sat down and was still coughing. My mind was defiantly off everything else. I saw Dianna’s car and got up.

“Come on,” she said. I got in her car and we went to the house. Demi was waiting.

“You were supposed to be resting,” Demi screamed.

“Well I wanted to take a walk,” I said trying to breathe.

“Did you get my inhaler,” I asked.

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