Chapter 14

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Izzy and I went lots of places. We came back to my place like 2 hours later. I had a really good time and I thought that she was a true friend. We went back to my place and chilled for a little while. She had to go home because it was a school night. I had a lot of stuff to do. I did my homework and got that out of the way. Then my nightly routine, I had to write in my journal. I went downstairs to eat dinner and Demi was staring at her phone again.

"Hey, is everything alright," I asked.

"Yeah, just tired," she smiled.

"Then, let's go to bed," I said. I pulled her up and we went into her room. She got dressed, came in and I snuggled into her. We went right to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to my phone alarm. It was pretty loud. Demi groaned and then rolled over. I got up and took a shower. I got on my school clothes and then woke up Demi.

"Demz time to get up, I need to go to school. You have like 10 minutes to get to the car," I said.

"Kay, baby girl, I will be up," she said. I went downstairs and got a banana. I put my bag down and got on my phone. I really didn't care if I was late or not. Demi came running down the steps in sweats, a white tee, and her hair in a bun, she must have been really tired.

"Come on lets go," she said. We were at school quickly; I told her goodbye and then went to my locker. The bell rang and I swore under my breath. I hate being late, it totally sucks. I walked to the gym, so I could sit there for a while. I stopped at the door and heard a cry. I went in and the girls who bully me were there. I didn't even know their names. I hated being bullied, so I couldn't just let them do this to another person.

"Stop, what is your problem," I asked, liking my sudden boost of confidence.

"I thought I told you this was my school," she said leaving the girl behind. She mouthed 'thank you' and ran off. I didn't blame her.

"Well, it wasn't right," I said.

"I knew this was going to happen, you and your bitch ass mom. All your mom cares about is publicity. That is all, that is probably why she got you," she said. That stung. The unfamiliar voices came back. 'She's right; Demi only got you for publicity'. I just wanted to scream.

"No, she didn't, she loves me, and don't you dare talk about her like that. If your going to bully someone let me be your target. I have nothing to waste," I said.

"Oh, so your emo," she asked. Her and her group laughed.

"No, but if I was it would be none of your business," I said. That must have gotten to her. She jumped me and I just sat down. I was tired of fighting. I was tired of fighting the voices. I was just tired. They could kill me and everyone would be happy. I just sat there and let them beat me to a pulp. I laid there and cried. I got up and headed to the biggest bridge. It would be okay, no one would care. I got there and texted Demi 'I Love You So Much, you don't even understand. You are more like a mom to me than anyone else. I wish I could have stayed strong. Don't miss me, I am a burden and I hate myself for bringing you down. I Love You, stay strong, I will see you later'. I sent it and went to the edge of the bridge. I sat there and looked down.....

Demi POV

I just got the text from Karoline. I was so worried; I called Marissa and Dallas because they were in town. I told them to look anywhere there is a bridge. I got in my car and sped up. I was crying so hard, I put Warrior and Skyscraper on replay. I had to stay strong for Karoline. I texted Dallas and Marissa and asked them if they found her.

Karoline POV

Someone just stopped on the bridge. I didn't care. 'Now or never' the voice repeated in my head. I stood up and heard someone call my name. I realized I didn't want to do this. I turned around and it was Dallas. I slipped and I started screaming. I was only holding on by fingers. 'Come on no one will care', the voices said.

"Dallas, help me," I screamed.

"Hold on, I am here," she said. She grabbed my arm and tried to pull me up. Her grip loosened and I started screaming again. I heard another car pull up.

"Marissa come and help me," she screamed. She was now crying.

"Demi is on her way," she said. She grabbed my other hand and they pulled me up over the bridge. I saw Demi's car pull up and she started crying, she ran over to me and pulled me into a crushing hug.

"Don't ever do that again," she said.

"I promise," I sobbed. They called the paramedics and they said I had no damage just a few bruises on my ribs. It was from the beating though. We went home and she put me on my bed.

"Baby girl, you need help, professional help," she said, I immeadialty started crying.

"You won't be in there for very long," she said.

"That doesn't matter. I will do it for you," I said.

"Good," she said rubbing circles into my back. I fell asleep and felt her leave a little while later.

Demi POV

I called my label, "Can we think about canceling or postponing the tour," I asked.

"Why," they asked. I was on a group call. I almost always was.

"My daughter, Karoline, is going through something tough," I told them.

"I am sorry, all your concerts are sold out," they said. I hung up, I was so mad. I started crying and I threw my phone at the wall. I started sobbing; I got in the shower and went to bed, after I packed K a suitcase for tomorrow.

Karoline POV

I got up and remembered yesterday. I was probably going today. I went downstairs, slowly and saw a suitcase by the door. It was almost time, I took a shower, put it in a bun, got my sweat suit on. I went downstairs and Demi was ready as well.

"You ready," she asked.

"Yeah, as ready as I will ever be," I said. We got there a few minutes later and they admitted me. I knew Demi was going on tour and I wouldn't be able to call her when I wanted to.

Demi POV

I called the school and asked for an assembly. They said they would do it at 12. It was 11:45 by the time I got there. I pulled up and went to the office. They started calling kids to an assembly. I went in and stood on the stage. I saw peoples mouth drop. As soon as everyone was seated and the principle introduced me I started.

"In case any of you didn't know, I am Karoline Lovato's mother. She is currently in a hospital retrieving treatment. Yesterday, she tried to commit, she failed thankfully. She did it right after some people here beat her up. I am disappointed and maybe mad, but people make mistakes. Karoline could have died yesterday and that brought me to realize how bad it was. She has only been going her for two days; I thought she would be safe. I thought she would be safe here. I am here to tell you, if you ever get bullied speak up and don't let them win. I am thinking about finding the people who did this to my baby girl. I am not going to press charges, but I am going to ask you to write a note. Before I left she told me a girl was getting beat up and she stood up for her. She told me that she only had one friend and to make sure that girl was okay and her friend was fine. I am going to take questions now," I finished. A lot of hand went up and Izzy was crying. I could see her in the crowed.

"Yes, you in the tank," I said.

"Umm, is she going to come back?"

"I am not sure at this time," I anwered.

"You in the blue," I pointed.

"Is she okay," she asked.

"No, she is not, she is sitting in the hospital because of what people made her believe," I said. I felt like I was going to cry, so I stopped and said goodbye. I went home in hopes that I could cancel my tour.

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