Chapter 18

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*Karoline POV*

I thought of the best name. Warrior Jasmiene Molly Nylah Lovato. That is a cute name. I skipped downstairs and got a banana, I wasn't really that hungry and Demi wasn't awake, neither was Maddie. I went out front and called Izzy.

"Hey, what's up," I asked.

"Nothing, just in my room," she said.

"Wanna do something today," I asked.

"No," she said.

"Wait, why are you not in school," I asked.

"I'm sick," she said.

"Oh, okay, hope you feel better," I said.

"I want to," she said, then she started coughing.

"Okay, I am gonna let you sleep," I said.

"Okay, I will," she said hanging up. I went upstairs and took Warrior, I hope that is her name, downstairs to go potty. I don't want her to pee on Demi. I played with her outside and then took the liberty to feed her.

"Warrior, do you like that name," I asked the puppy.

"Ruff, Ruff," she squeled.

"Imma take that as a yes, you wanna go on a walk," I asked. She ran to the door. I hooked the leash to her collar and grabbed my phone just in case. I walked out and texted Audrey, I realized I hadn't talked to her in a while.

K(Karoline)- Hey girly

A(Audrey)-Hey, so now you text me

K- I am so sorry, I haven't been in touch

A-want to explain why

K- I went into treatment

A-Oh, I am sorry

K-yeah, and my parents have been put into jail

A-I am really sorry Karoline. What happened, are you okay?

K-yeah, I am. I am getting better

A-Good, I have to go, my teacher is coming to my desk LOL

K-KK bye ILY

I walked and finally got back home. I hadn't been walking in so long. I was so happy to sit on the couch.

"Hey," I said. I saw Demi doing something on her phone.

"Hey, so what do you want to do today," she asked.

"I don't know, what about a cuddling day," I asked.

"I have no idea, if that is what you want to do, let's do it," she said.

"I sat on her lap and she put it on the I.D. channel. That was her favorite channel; mine not so much, so I would probably fall asleep. I fell backwards, so my feet were in her lap. I turned over and fell asleep.

"I thought of a name for the puppy," I said.

"Okay, what is it," she asked.

"Warrior Jasmiene Molly Nylah Lovato," I said.

"That is a long name, but I like it a lot," she said.

"Good, because, so do I," we laughed.

"Come here, Warrior," I said. Warrior looked at me and then started barking.

"Yes, that is you, now come here and cuddle," I said. Like she knew, she just jumped up and came and lay down. I loved her.

We just sat there and watched the I.D. channel. I heard Maddie come down and I didn't want to turn around because I was too lazy. I just laid there and eventually fell asleep.

*Later that day*

**Demi POV**

Karoline had been really sleeping today; she has been since this morning. It was five and she has had nothing to eat, so I needed to wake her up. I had pizza delivered and made some salad.

"K, honey, come one you need some dinner," I said.

"I want to sleep," she moaned.

"I mean, please just eat a little," I begged her.

"Okay, can I eat on the couch," she asked.

"Yeah, baby girl," I said. I thought something was wrong. She was never like this.

"Are you okay," I yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I really don't feel good," she half yelled. I went and got a thermometer. I ran down the steps and took her temperature. It was in her mouth for ten seconds then beeped, 103.7. I got worried.

"Baby, can you stand up," I asked.

"Do I have to," she moaned.

"Yeah, baby just try," I said. She stood up and then collapsed. I called 911.

"911, what is your emergency," a man answered.

"My daughter just collapsed after trying to stand, she has a 103.7 temperature," I said.

"Okay, help is on its way, is she breathing," he asked.

"Yes, she is faintly breathing," I said.

"Okay, take her temperature again," he said. I took it and it was 104.1.

"It's 104.1," I said.

"Okay, the ambulance will be there in three minutes," he said.

"Do you want me to stay on the phone," he asked.

"No, it's okay," I said crying. I hung up the phone.

"Okay, baby girl it's going to be okay, I promise," I said. The ambulance got there and put her into the car and told me I couldn't get in. I got Maddie into my car and sped off to the hospital.

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