Ch. 58

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Karoline POV

“Mom,” I called out and then decided to open my eyes. It was bright, but my eyes adjusted quickly. I tried to sit up, but felt really heavy. I looked to one side and Demi was heavy asleep, and Sky in a playpen. There was a table in front of me and I sat up enough to look at it. There were a lot of notes on it. Starting with Demi.

Hey baby,

I hope I am here to be with you to open these, but Sky and I are pretty tired. Just got a bunch of your friends (and me too) to write you notes. Maybe even refresh your memory. Try and wake me up if I am asleep by the way. I hope you feel better and beep the button on the nurse thing if you need anything.

Demi xxx (and sky, but she can’t talk except for mama, sissy and no)

What was she talking about refresh my memory. I remember it perfectly, Demi and I were fighting against my aunt and uncle and I went to go and live there. They made me really mad I left, and fell asleep on a bench, and then I woke up here. I don’t know what she is talking about.

I pressed the nurse button to see if she could wake up Demi, I didn’t want to read the rest of them until later. The nurse came in and smiled.

“Hi, Ms. Karoline, how are you,” she asked.

“Just call me Karoline please,” I asked.

“Okay,” she smiled.

“Can you wake up my mom,” I asked.

“Wait what,” she asked.

“My mom,” I pointed to the couch.

“Why are you calling her mom,” she looked at me shocked.

“She is,” I said.

“Okay, I will get her up,” she said walking over there.

“Ms. Lovato, Ms. Lovato,” she shook Demi awake.

“What, is everything okay,” she said in her raspy morning voice.

“Yeah, Karoline remembers I think,” she said.

“You’re the nurse you’re supposed to know,” Demi said.

“Karoline,” she smiled and looked at me.

“Mom,” I questioned. Her face immediately lit up.

“You remember,” she sighed.

“Remember what,” I was completely confused.

“This is going to be harder that I thought,” she said aloud.

Demi POV

I woke up to a nurse shaking me. I started to worry because I had just went to sleep a couple of hours ago. She told me that Karoline might have remembered and then she called me mom the way she used to. She had no idea what was going on, so I got up to go and explain everything to her.

“What is the last thing you remember,” I questioned.

“Falling asleep on a park bench,” she looked at me seriously.

“Baby, that was a while ago. A guy got you and called me. You forgot everything and then you fell down the stairs. Now we are here,” I explained.

“Wait why aren’t tia and tio here,” I asked.

“They gave me back custody. They thought it was better for you to be around them, but they were wrong and they apologized,” I told her.

“Where is my phone,” she asked.

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