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“We did everything we could,” I heard the nurse say. I told myself that It couldn’t get worse. 

“What do you mean,” I asked. 

“She is a fighter and with her help we did everything we could. She is going to be okay,” she smiled.

“Oh my gosh,” I started crying.

“Thank you so much. I will take really good care of her, I promise,” I said. I was so happy my baby girl was okay. She was going to be okay.

 “When can we see her,” I asked.

“Not now, she is sleeping and she needs rest. Her incision popped open when she got up and it needed more time to heal. On usual it takes 2-4 days to be able walk and now it will be between 4-8 days. She won’t be able to go to school for 2 more weeks,” she said.

“Oh great, she has already missed a week of school,” I said. I sighed this is going to be hard. She is going to need to have all her school work brought to my house.

“When will she wake,” I asked.

“It could be anywhere from two to four hours,” the nurse told us. That was enough time for me to get lunch or something. My mom was to show up the next day. I missed her; I couldn’t wait to see her. I went downstairs and had lunch. I sent Maddie home for some rest, and I was going to stay there at the hospital. Marissa was coming to visit tomorrow, I hoped K would be awake to see her. I quickly finished my meal and went upstairs. I went into her room and she was on her phone.

 “Hey K, you’re awake, I am sorry I wasn’t here. I needed to eat,” I told her.

“It’s okay, you have to eat,” she said.

“I know, how long have you been up,” I asked.

“Not too long,” she said.

“Listen, no getting up. No more emergency surgeries,” I laughed.

“Okay, I promise,” she said.

“Tell me if you need to pee, I will get a nurse,” I said.

“That is so awkward, but okay,” she told me.

 “We have to get you healthy again,” I said.

 “Come and cuddle with me,” she said. 

“Okay, babygirl,” I said. I got into bed with her and stoked her hair until she was asleep. She was on a lot of pain medication. I felt bad for her, and I couldn’t wait until she could come home, even though I wouldn’t be there.

**Maddie POV**

 “I am so happy we get to take Karoline home to day mom,” I told my mom. Marissa and mom were staying for the first few days and then I was going to take care of her. She was almost healed to the point she could walk and after that I could take care of her.

“I know,” mom replied. 

“Demi is missing her though,” Marissa said.

“I know she is facetimeing her now,” I replied. I walked into the room to see if they were done and Karoline was crying.

“What’s wrong,” I asked. 

“I miss her so much, even though it has only been like 4 days,” she said.

“We all miss her,” I said. 

“I know, thank you,” she told me.

“For what,” I asked. 

“For telling me that, I needed a reality check,” Karoline said. 

“No you didn’t, when you miss someone you have to express that,” she said.

 “You sound like your sister,” she laughed.

 “I learned from the best,” I smirked.

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