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Karoline POV

I woke up and slowly opened my eyes. I startd to get scared and then I remembered I checked out of the center and then I got sad because I wouldn't be able to see Blake for two weeks. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. Demi had her hands around me. I slowly removed her hands and then got up to get changed. I finally had my wardrobe back. I touched all my clothes and then I picked out an outfit. Mom said we were going to an amusement park because the next day she had a couple of interviews and then a concert here in L.A. I picked out a casual outfit. I picked out a navy blue top that was all lace, a yellow bandeau, floral print pants, and some brown flowery sandals. I put the shoes by my door and then went to take a shower. I got out and dried my hair. My hair had gotten really long and I actually liked it. I had original brown hair, but I dyed it. I straightened my hair, and then put it into a waterfall braid. I crimped the waterfall pieces. I put on my shoes and changed my phone case and then got a messenger styled purse and then put the stuff I needed in there. Four days before I left I got diagnosed with severe depression, and severe anxiety, and borderline personality. I had to take medication for it, so I took anxiety pills with me everywhere. 

I ran downstairs and sat on the couch. It was 10, so Demi would be up in an hour or so. I decided to call Audrey. She deserved to know what happened.

"Hey Aud," I said as soon as she picked up.

"How long do you have to talk," she asked.

"About an hour," I said.

"Good," she said, "now explain," 

"Okay, so as you know Demi adopted me. I am Karoline Lovato, not Karoline Walker anymore. Well, let me list some things you didn't know. I used to self-harm and that morning I left the hotel, I was burying my blades, and Demi was there somehow and found me. I had an eating disorder and everything to go along with it. I didn't talk to Demi at all for a really long time and when she found me she was livid. She was so mad and wanted nothing to do with me. I was on my ripstick and I had music on and my eyes closed and I kind of ran into Maddie. I hurt her ankle and so we became friends, I thankfully never ran into Demi at the time. One night my parents were beating me up so bad and I snuck out to get away. They were being nice for a while and then they turned again. I still knew Demi would help me even if she was mad, or I hoped so. I was at her gate trying to get her to answer and then Maddie came up and asked me what I was doing and I told her and she thought I was using her and that wasn't the case. We drove off because my parents were coming and then they are in jail now and everything turned out good. I went into treatment about a month ago because I couldn't handle anything. I was cutting behind Demi's back and everything. I ended up having a mental breakdown. It was kind of terrifying actually. I went into a really nice treatment center and I met my boyfriend. His name is Blake and he is getting out in about two weeks. I miss him already. That about sums up my life since I left," I laughed.

"O I had no idea," she said.

"It's okay, no one did," I said.

"Well, tell me about Blake," she cooed.

"Oh my gosh, I am head over heels for him. He is a gentleman, he is cute, funny, and we have so much in common," I said.

"That is amazing," she said.

"K is that you," I heard Demi call.

"Yeah, mom," I said.

"Wait, I thought you were with Demi," she asked.

"Yeah, I call her mom," I laughed. I heard her laugh.

"Okay," she said.

"Well, I need to go, I can probably call you tonight or something," I said.

"Okay, Miss.Busy," she said.

"I love you," I said.

"Love you too boo," she answered and then I hung up. I went into the kitchen and my mom had swag. She had her hair in a messy bun and then just some cute pajamas. She had swag oddly, maybe it was just my lovatic subconscious.

"Hey mom, can I tell you something and know you aren't going to feel awkward or weird around me," I asked.

"Yeah, like I said anything," she told me.

"I still have a lovatic side," I could feel myself blushing. Demi just started laughing.

"Okay, that's okay, do you take weird pictures of me when I'm sleeping," she asked.

"Maybe," I said.

"Lemme see your phone," she gave me a playful death eye.

"Catch me if you can," I screamed. I took my phone out of my purse and threw my purse into a random room and then went to her bathroom. It was big and I had a lot of hiding places. I chose a cabinet. I always have to pee if I start playing any hiding game. It never fails.

"I know you're in here," she whispered.

"Come out, come out where you are," she said. I almost started laughing. I heard her footsteps getting closer, so once I knew she was past I opened the door and yelled boo. She started screaming.

"Ha Ha. You lose," I stuck my tongue out.

She grabbed my phone and knew my password and looked through my photos.

"There are no photos of me on here," she said.

"Yeah I know," I said.

"You made me run around this whole house looking for you," she said.

"Yes I did," I said like Michelle off of Full House.

"Ha Ha very funny," she said.

"Now go wake up Maddie, so we can get out of here in less than two hours. I stepped out and she was already getting in the shower. Maddie must have gotten up or something because I though she crashed with us last night. I looked in her room and she was sprawled out across the bed. I took a picture and posted it saying 'I love my younger auntie #adorable' I posted it and I got a lot of retweets and comments immeadialty.

"Hey Maddie, get up," I screamed. She rolled off the bed and I started laughing. I was being a major bitch.

"That is not fucking cool," she said.

"Okay, okay I apologize, check twitter," I said.

"Okay, why," she asked. I saw her unlock her phone.

"This isn't funny, I'm gonna get you back," she smirked.

"Okay," I nodded, "M- I mean Demi wants you to get ready." She just nodded. I walked out and went downstairs. I waited on the sofa for an hour, I listened to music, and took weird selfies. I heard someone run down the stairs. It was Maddie. She looked cute, I wanted that outfit. She was wearing shorts that had crosses on them, a pink bandeau, a jean jacket over that, and pink sandals. We had sort of the same style. Her hair was a beached waved sort of thing. We were talking on the couch and then Demi came down the stairs.

"You know were gonna be walking right," I asked. Her outfit looked way uncomfortable; she had on nude wedges, a nude colored oversized tank top, and jeans. She had some accessories including huge sunglasses. Her hair was in a sock bun.

"Yeah, we are going to a drive thru first," she said.

"Can I just eat something here," I asked.

"Yeah," she said.

"Okay, I will grab a granola bar and a yogurt," I said. I finished the yougurt and then we walked out the door and I am going to eat the bar in the car. They went to McDonalds. I started humming La La Land.

"Haha very funny," mom said.

"I know, it just popped in my head. I miss Blake," I said.

"I know, but try not to, you'll see him in a couple weeks," mom said.

"I know, are we almost at the park," I asked.

"Yeah," she said. She pulled into a big parking lot. There were a lot of people. I already knew I would have an anxiety attack of some kind, so I asked Demi for her drink and took one.

"Baby, tell me if you feel uncomfortable," she said.

"Okay, I will," I smiled. We were there for four hours and Maddie got me back, she took a really embarrassing picture of me laughing and posted it on twitter, I retweeted it. We went home and ate. I was exhausted, so I was going to crash in my room. I turned my phone on and looked at my missed messages. I had an unknown number. It said restricted.

UK- I got your number, you might be with a different person, but that doesn't mean you're still not fat, ugly, and disgusting. How was your break? Bad? Good? Well if it was good, I am going to change it. kisses -hannah

Me- how did you get my number??

H- so you finally get the guts to text me back? We talked your friend Lizzie into giving it to is.

I started crying. I didn't deserve this. I hadn't even talked to her in forever. I threw my phone at the wall. I was stronger than I thought; it cracked the wall and my phone. My head started spinning; I felt dizzy and passed out. I heard someone open the door and then I blacked out.

Demi POV

I started shaking K because she passed out. It was stress and it was also a side effect of the mix of medication. She finally came too and started hitting things, she avoided me, but she hit lots of things. I had just gotten the walls fixed. I had to get them fixed again and get her a new iPhone. I engulfed her in a hug and just started singing to her. That always made her calm down. I rocked back and forth. She finally started breathing evenly and Maddie walked in.

"Go and unlock the car, I am going to take her to the hospital," I said. It was just for tests. I needed to make sure she was okay.

I gave her my keys and she came back up, I took her downstairs and we walked in. They took her in and I told the doctor what happened. He said that he would run diseases and then get a psychiatrist in there. We had to leave and he said it would take 4 hours and we might as well go home for the night. The paps have found me.

"Why are you here?"

"What's wrong?"

"Is someone in your family dying?"

"No comment," is all I said. I ran to the car and we went home. I needed to get Maddie in bed and then go back to the hospital.

"Okay, I am going back to the hospital. I need you to stay here and don't go anywhere. I am going to get Marissa to come here. I will be back hopefully tomorrow morning," I said. I called my manager and he switched my interviews to the next day. Thankfully it went through.

I went and got her phone. I read the messages and they made me tear up. I was not giving her, her phone back. If someone wanted to contact her they could call me and talk to her. I put her phone in my purse and then called Marissa; she said she would be over in about 25 minutes. I checked on Maddie and Marissa had a key, so I just left a note and locked the door.

I got to the hospital and I checked on what was going on. Of course, they told me nothing. I just stayed in the waiting room. I decided to do something nice, it was 8 at night, so maybe I could go down to the ward where the keep people who are suicidal, who cut, and who had eating disorders. I went to that floor and asked the receptionist.

"Do you mind if I go around, my daughter is downstairs and I have about three hours to kill," I said.

"Yeah, I am sure most of them would like that. They have Demi posters is almost every room," she laughed.

"Okay, is there any room I should avoid," I asked.

"No, this floor is for the safe ones, this isn't the syc ward," she said.

"Okay, thanks," I flashed my smile. She gave me a list of girls and room numbers. There were 10 rooms and not all of them were filled. The first one was 789 and her name was Makealah. I walked in and sure enough there were Demi posters all around. She was looking out of them window and I walked up to her.

"Boo," I said as if I knew her. She turned around and immeadialty had a smile on her face.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi," she squealed.

"How are you," I asked.

"I am good," she said. She started crying.

"Why are you crying," I asked.

"Well, I had meet and greet ticket, but I got put in here before I could do the m&g," she said.

"Look, I am here now. There is a reason you are in here. Look at my wrists. There is a tattoo that helped me, do you have a marker," I asked.

"Yeah," she hopped up. I wrote stay strong on her wrists and then she got me a piece of paper. I got it wrote a long note and then signed it.

"I better not see this on e-bay," I said.

"You won't," she smiled. I got a text and they needed me for something to do with Karoline.

"Okay, I have to go take care of my daughter, but I want you to know, your worth more than that blade, you're unbroken and soon to be a warrior," I said. I hugged her and walked out.

"I didn't have time to see all of them, maybe I could come another day," I said.

"Okay, which girl did you see," she asked.

"I saw Makealah," I said.

"She is the most broken, thanks for talking to her, she needed it," she said.

"Okay, I have to go and tend to my daughter now," I said.

"Okay, good luck," she said. I ran downstairs and there were doctors waiting for me.

"Whats wrong with her," I asked.

"She had an anxiety attack and we are almost positive she is bipolar," they said.

"From what she talks about and what you describe her 'outbursts' as," one of them said.

"Well what do we do," I asked.

"We can't put her on a big medication, but we can give her a little one, if that make sense," he said.

"Yeah, but she is on like three other medications, what will that do to them," I asked.

"It shouldn't mess with them at all," he said.

"Okay," I said. I want better for her. She has already been through so much.

"Can you tell her, I will be here in a couple of hours. Can I talk to her," I asked.

"Yeah," they said.

"Okay," I smiled.

"Hey," I said walking in.

"I'm not crazy," she said as I walked in.

"I know baby," I said nodding my head.

"Okay, here is your phone, only use it to call my mom, Marissa, or Eddie," I said.

"Okay," she said.

"I will be back in a couple of hours," I said. I needed a release, a night were I wasn't Demi, I wasn't a mom, and I just wanted to be a 21 year old. I went to a club. I immeadialty started drinking, I wasn't supposed to, but I didn't care. I just wanted to drink away my problems, I kept them coming. It must have been like 2 hours before I even stopped. I made myself stop because I was already probably 2x the legal limit. I got up and paid the bill. I wasted $200 on alcohol. I was stupid. I didn't have Max and I didn't have my car, nor should I drive. There was an alley way, were there was a shortcut for the hospital.

"Hello there," someone said from behind me. Oh shit.

"Come here," he said.

"No, leave me alone," I said.

"No," he said again.

"Stop being a douche," I said.

"Whatever," he said. He touched my shoulder.

"Get off me," I said.

"No, what are you going to do about it," he said.

"I don't know, call the police," I said. Come on Demi run for it. I slipped out of my shoes and started running.

"No, you don't. Come on let's play," he said. He pulled my hair and I screamed.

"Stop," I screamed.

"You scream one more time, and I slit your throat," he said. I just stayed still and cried. I would never forget that night, no matter how drunk I was. That night was at the top of my worst nights list. When he was done, I got my clothes on and called Marissa. I told her to meet me at the club. She was there like 20 minutes later. I stumbled to her car.

"Are you drunk," she asked.

"yeah, don't give me shit about it," I said.

"Okay, but just because these are the circumstances, where was Max," she asked.

"I don't know, I was at the hospital and I found out K is bipolar," I said.

"Omg, I am so sorry, do you want me to take you to the police," she asked.

"No, let it be. I just want to forget it," I said.

"Take me home and get Maddie, I don't want her there tonight, and I want y'all to go and hang with Karoline for the rest of the night. Tell her I have interviews, and that I will be back as soon as possible.

"Okay," she said. I just wanted to get home, so I can freely cry.

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