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Karoline POV

“Baby, I am not mad. I just want to know why; they are yours to choose to take. I just want to know why, please open the door,” I heard Demi beg. I just sat on my bed. She should have known not to grab me like that. She knows that is only brings back memories, she does so much good with me, but there are some days that she needs to watch herself.

“Baby please,” Demi asked again.

I opened the door, “Demi you should have known not to do that. You know why I threw my pills away? I want to take anxiety head on, many people do. I was too reliant on my pills and got tired of it. I might have more anxiety attacks, but I can’t be reliant on my medication. It isn’t healthy. I don’t want to be 30 and still be really reliant on my medication. I need to learn some breathing exercises and different things like that, and then maybe I will go back on them, but not before,” I finished.

“That is all you had to say. I am sorry I did that to you. Your right I should have known better than you grab you like that, but you can’t just do that to me. I wanted an explanation and you didn’t give it to me. I am only 7 years older than you. We are both still really young, meaning we both have attitudes; we need to calm it down. Okay,” Demi asked.

“Okay, I am sorry mom,” I said.

“It’s okay, I understand,” Demi tried to comfort me.

“Don’t do this with your other medication though,” Demi laughed.

“I wouldn’t think about it, I just want to try and not rely on medication for something that isn’t too bad, I don’t want to it to progress,” I told her.

“Okay,” she smiled.

“I have to work. Stay here. You can go out after school hours, just don’t forget anything,” Demi said referring to my medication I am guessing.

What am I going to do today? She never said I couldn’t have anyone over, who doesn’t have regular school?

“Hey Maddie, can you come over or are you in aerial today,” I asked.

“No I am not today, but let me finish school,” Maddie said.  

“Okay, you should hurry,” I laughed.

“Got to go,” she said. I laughed and hung up. I had no friends my age that were not in school and didn’t have other things to do. I turned on the television and ended up falling asleep.

I heard the doorbell ring.

“I’m coming,” I screamed and went to the door.

“Oh,” I laughed.

“I was supposed to come over right,” Maddie asked.

“Yeah, I just fell asleep,” I laughed.

“Why aren’t you in school,” she asked.

“I slapped someone,” I said.

“Really,” she asked.

“Yeah and got kicked out for the rest of the day. I have detention for three weeks starting tomorrow,” I sighed.

“For how long,” she asked.

“An hour every day,” I laughed.

“Why did you slap someone,” she asked.

“Someone was picking on a younger person and she slapped me, so she got it right back. The girls name was Savannah. I think that the only reason they were picking on her is because she is a scholarship student. Only Shay and I have detention,” I explained.

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