My Killer Romance

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Hallo there! So this is my very first story on Wattpad and I know its a little over the top but please comment and tell me what I need to improve on, your thoughts on the story etc... So....enjoy! :)

 Copyright © 2011-2013 Azedah Yunus

All rights reserved


“Anything else you need ma'am?" The flight attendant asked as I settled in my window seat.

“No thanks!” I replied.  As she walked away to greet other passengers I looked around my cabin.  Call me paranoid but I had my reasons.  Two European tourists were looking over the safety manual and the couple in front of them were obviously in love and on their honeymoon, and not afraid to show it.  I looked over to the family of four, the parents and two cute toddlers.  Seemed like ordinary people.  I could spend seven hours locked up in a pressurized cabin with them.  Right?

I dropped my leather backpack on the floor and looked through it to find my gun: a small silver pistol, and checked to see if the safety was on, no need of it in this flight. Yes yes, I know, I carry a gun.  But trust me, I know how to use it and I'm licensed to.  Why else would the airport security and customs here in Australia let me through onto Singapore.  How could they refuse me anyways...I'm the best agent in the company!


Okay fine, maybe I wasn't the best.  But I was good.  As I tried to make my 17 year old butt comfortable in this tiny tiny seat, I thought about the early days when I used to live in a poor orphanage.  One day when I was around six, a strange looking business woman came to visit, our supervisors told us that she was a scout, looking for talent.

 I should have known better. 

When she picked me I was ecstatic, finally I get to escape this prison, that was up until the point when she told me the truth, how I now had no choice but to serve the company. 

Thus began my vigorous training, they wanted me to finish training fast, what good is a teen spy when she is 30?  Eventually they succeeded and I became a spy, an agent, an assassin, a soldier, whatever they wanted.

I had just finished my mission in Australia and was flying to Singapore to do god knows what.  Thats the thing about these missions, I never know in advance what I'm going to do, in a way that helps, it makes the job quick and easy, just in and out and I don't have to worry about any morales or how many people I killed.

A hand waving at me suddenly snapped me out of my internal monologue and I looked up to see one of the cute little boys waving at me, I smiled and waved back; this flight was going to be eventful (note the sarcasm).

The seatbelt sign flashed on and I snapped the belt across my skinny hips, over my light blue full length skirt, complete with embroidery and sequins, Indian style.  You see, I was in disguise as an Indian girl, just in case someone recognized me, that had happened once when I was in Russia, it didn't end well...anyways to complete the disguise, I wore a decorated white shirt and some simple earrings.  My skin was tanned thanks to the Aussie sun which kinda helped me pass as an Indian.

I started looking around again, searching for something to do to pass the time, my gaze quickly flicked over to the lovestruck couple, like seriously, get a room.  I searched the cabin for something else to hold my gaze.

And that's when I saw him.

So how was it? be honest, don't lie!!!  N pleeeaasee comment!!!

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