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Imagine. You slowly open your eyes when you heard your alarm. Your eyelids felt so heavy and your head was pounding so hard. The sound of the alarm didn't help at all. You wanted to turn it off, but you were way too confortable in your position, for once. Plus, you really didn't want to wake up. Darren turned around and turned off your alarm. You give up on holding your eyelids open and closed your eyes again as you feel Darren coming closer and kissing your forehead.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" he whispered in your ear. With his fingers he caressed your waist, making your body shiver. "Hi" you whispered weakly. "You okay?" he asks, looking at you worried. "I feel sick...I have the worst headache ever" you whisper with the same tone. You open your eyes and started to sit up. "Hey hey hey, what are you doing?" Darren said as he tries to hold you back. "I gotta wake up Sam and get her ready for preschool and I gotta go to work and-" "You're not going anywhere" Darren cut you off. "I'm gonna get Sami ready and take her to school, and then I will come back to take care of you" he adds. "No babe, I don't wanna ruin your day off" you say as you look at him. "Honey, you're sick and pregnant" he said, his hand on your swollen belly. "Let me take care of you. You're not ruining anything" he whispered as he rest his forehead on yours. You took a deep breath and sigh before nodding. "Ok" you breathe. Darren pecked your lips and stands up to go in Sami's room. "You should sleep baby. I will be back soon" is the last thing you heard from him. You put a hand on your belly and caresses it, like to comfort your baby, like if you told him everything will be alright. You close your eyes and tried to sleep. The pounding in your head was constant and awful. As you were half asleep, you felt someone kissing your cheek slowly, and you recognize your daughter. You smile fondly, and kept your eyes shut. "I hope the bad monster in your head is gonna stop hurting you Mommy" she said with her cute soft voice.

You open your eyes and pet her hair. Darren probably told her a monster was attacking your head, or maybe she thought about it by herself. It wouldn't surprise you. "I will be okay sweetie" you try to sound as joyful as you could. "Have a good day" you say as you kiss her curls. "You too Mommy" she said as she hugs you, squeezing her tiny arms around your neck. "And you too baby brother" she said as she kisses your belly over your shirt. You chuckle at her cuteness, she was so excited for the baby. Every morning, she used to count the days when the baby will come with Darren. It was so cute. In 3 months now, she will officially be a sister. You fall asleep with a smile on your face. You woke up a few hours after, but it felt more like five minutes to you. Your head was still pounding, and you felt as tired as before. Darren was there, you could hear him swearing to himself in the bathroom. "Do not give to pregnant women" he sighed. "What are they supposed to take when they're sick, heh?" he adds, pissed. "Maybe you could heal me with your magic, Potter" you joke to let him know you're aware. You heard him giggle and quickly he was back in the room. "How do you feel?" he asks as he gives you a glass of water. "Not so good" you say back. You took the glass and drink it all before putting it on the nightstand. "Babe, could you call the school? I hate to miss my classes without calling" you say. "Oh shit I forgot that" he said as he took your phone.

He called the dance school where you were supposed to give classes today. "Hi! I'm Darren Criss, y/n's husband. Uhm, I wanted to let you know she won't be here today...I know, but she's sick" he rolled his eyes. You looked at him, you could tell he was getting pissed. "Then call a substitute...well that's unfortunate but she's not gonna come today...no, I think you did not understand what I said. She's sick and pregnant, she wont attend the classes today. I'm not asking you if you're okay with it or not, I'm just informing you...yeah, yeah, well I'm gonna hang up now. Bye, kisses, love you, bye". You laugh as he puts the phone on the nightstand again. "Man, such a douchebag!" Darren said as he lies down next to you. He looked so cute with his glasses, you thought. "If I get fired, I will totally blame you" you say sacarstically. "You will not. You're precious. They'd be idiots to let you go. And if they do, well...I'm sure I could get you a cleaner job on the set" he jokes as he grins. You laugh and playfully hit his chest. He cupped your face and kissed you softly as you both kept giggling. When he pulled back, he took his phone and explains "I have to call my mom". You frown and ask "Why?". He didn't answer and dials the number. And you realize. His parents were supposed to come for dinner tonight since they were in town. "Oh fuck" you sighed. "I'll order something, don't worry. I could cancel but you know my mom. When she knows you're sick, she will probably come with her magic recipes to cheer you up" he chuckles. You went to take a shower when Darren called his mother. If his parents were going to come, you could not stay in pyjamas. You showered and get dressed before getting back in bed with Darren. You two chilled out on bed all day long, watching movies and laughing at stupid TV shows. Darren went to get Sami from preschool, and when they got back, you heard her little steps running to your room. You smiled, it's amazing how much you can miss to see her cute face and her dark curls, even for a few hours.

She climbed on the bed and cuddled against you. You put your arms around her and kiss her cheek. "How was school?" you ask with a smile. "I drew you something!" she said as she took a paper she put on the bed. She proudly held it to you, and showed you what she drew. "That's you heeere, and those are the bad monsters who are hurting your head" she explains. You giggle, and she continues. "And that is me and Daddy! And we have swords to slay the monsters!". She sounded just like Darren when he made up those incredible sci-fi stories. You giggle and kiss her head. "Thank you baby...you should tell Dad to put it on the fridge with the others". "Yaa!" she said as she left the room to go in the kitchen. You heard a knock on the door and Darren greeting someone. You recognize Cerina and Bill's voices. You heard them saying hi to Sami and kissing her. You smile at the thought. Bill stayed with Sami and the gift he got her, and Darren and his mom came to you. "Oh honey, are you okay?" she asks as she sat on the bed. "Yes, don't worry about me" you say with a smile. You tried to find a confortable sitting position against the bedhead. "I made you some soup and brought some tea to cheer you up" she says as she puts a bag on the nightstand. "Oh Cerina, you didn't have to" you pout. Darren was watching the whole scene, giggling and shaking his head. "Of course I had to! You didn't think I would leave you like that?" she said as she puts her hand over your forehead. "You got fever, darling. I'm gonna get you a tray from the kitchen so you can eat a little. You'll see, you will be feeling better immediatly!" she explains as she walks to the door. "Cerina" you laugh. She didn't seem to hear you. "Cerina" you say louder this time. She turns around and you say, still giggling "Thank you". "Nothing to thank for!" she said as she shrugs and goes into the kitchen. Darren laughed and went on the bed with you. "Predictable" he said as he kiss you. You giggled and kiss him back. The whole evening the Criss' took care of you in their way. You were so proud to be a part of this family, to have their name. They were definitely your favorite people.

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